Modding for iPad in next patch?

I'm just wondering if better support for modding on the iPad will be available with the next patch. I am somewhat hopeful because of this post:
It seems that the override folder can now be located somewhere else, so maybe dialog.tlk can also be loaded from a user-modifiable location.
It would be great to be able to mod more on the iPad without a jailbreak, especially since ios7 doesn't have a jailbreak yet.
I'm just wondering if better support for modding on the iPad will be available with the next patch. I am somewhat hopeful because of this post:
It seems that the override folder can now be located somewhere else, so maybe dialog.tlk can also be loaded from a user-modifiable location.
It would be great to be able to mod more on the iPad without a jailbreak, especially since ios7 doesn't have a jailbreak yet.
If the game can look for a dialog.tlk inside portraits folder, modding will be extremely easy on Ipad without a jailbreak. I wish the designers set the game to look for a dialog.tlk in portraits folder first, and use this modified dialog.tlk if one exists.
In case no one's keeping track, the original release of the game fixed over 400 bugs in the original code, the 1.2 release adds another ***700*** (I think that's the number) to that. For those who can't count that's 1100 things wrong with the original BG that have had to be reported, diagnosed, tracked down, debugged, fixed, patched in and tested to give you what 1.2 gives you...and that's quite beside a port to the BGII Engine, all the additional content, and a complete renderer rewrite.
This isn't to take away from your request and your feeling of needing SCS or RR or the other mods, but lets pause for a second and look at priorities. This isn't a team of thousands, it's a team of 10s of people...and not many 10's at that...even INCLUDING the volunteers.
If there's one lesson EVERYONE on these boards should have gotten at this point it's that Overhaul is good for their promises. It might take a while, but they've said they're interested in getting modding working in this game. I believe that it will happen. It may not be right now, it may not be the next patch. But 1.2 should at least give you the warm fuzzy that when Overhaul says "we'll get modding working" that they will, in fact, get modding working.
I fully believe we WILL get an override solution, when is the only question. Hopefully I didn't come across as a jerk, as I said above, your request and comment is ABSOLUTELY necessary, after all, Modding is what's kept this game from dropping off the radar more than 13 years ago. I'd love to see another 15 years of community support and play on this game.
We just all need to keep in mind the scope of what's being requested vs. what's out there to be done.
Frankly, I'll hold off on playing the ipad versions for the time being until the patches are all sorted and a stable untethered IOS 7.X jailbreak solution comes out, but at this point I'm pretty skeptical about the future of IOS jailbreaking to be honest.
My dream:
Playing a fully modded BGEE/BG2EE run through on my tablet on the bus/plane/etc without having to haul out my laptop. I'm pretty pleased at the progress made so far, but this is what I've been hoping for.
I know 500K is a lot, but that's where I'm at after following the instructions on the "amazing discovery" thread and I'd like to keep going if possible.
Also, thanks for the feedback. I was afraid to install the patch for fear that it might screw up my previous xpcap mod, but if its working for you then I'll go ahead and patch in.
And the created a new game with a character who was already over the XP limit. Then confirmed that he could still gain XP and levels.