Imoen's necklace and rings disappeared

Bizarre problem. I am in the level of Watcher's Keep where you activate something and choose a colored globe (red, green, blue or purple). During the third battle (I think) I noticed that Imoen's "bag" was grayed-out. After the battle I discovered that her necklace and rings were GONE! What happened? Is there a creature that can strip items from your party? Thanks.
Well this is embarrassing....
It turns out that Imoen's rings and amulet didn't disappear after any of the battles in that area. What actually happened is that after a much earlier battle in which she was killed I placed her rings and amulet in the gem bag (held by another character), but forgot to re-equip Imoen with them. You see, any time one of my party is killed I pick up and store all of their items (armor, weapons, rings, etc.) before resurrecting the character because I'm afraid the items will "disappear" if I have to rest my other characters before casting the resurrection spell.
Thanks for replying.
Particularly cheap tricks include: they provide full single-target healing if used on a living target. They have near unlimited range. They can be used without penalty or expending real charges by simulacrums. I rarely exploit these things, but there is so much potential!
e.g. Sit a simulacrum as far as you can from the Heart Seal in watcher's keep with a wizard eye for company and a rod of resurrection. It can now insta-heal all party members during this tough fight without being harmed.