They don't have Zhentish badges like Harper pins, so you need to be careful to notice them. Any slimy, backstabbing, plotting, scheming, cruel bastard can be a Zhentish agent. Likewise, any person who pays homage to Bane, Cyric or Xvim or who has their holy symbols in their possesions are likely to be one.
The sweet sensation of metal being shoved into your spine while someone whispers "The Black Network send their regards" in your ear is usually a fairly accurate indicator.
The sweet sensation of metal being shoved into your spine while someone whispers "The Black Network send their regards" in your ear is usually a fairly accurate indicator.
Are you telling me....Lord Bolton may be a Zhent and the Lannisters are secretly the Zhentarim? :O
Nobody expects the Zentarim! Their chief weapon is surprise, fear and surprise; two chief weapons, fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency! Er, among their chief weapons are: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and near fanatical devotion to the Manshoon...