Conversations and stats compilation. (spoilers, perhaps)

Now, I've noticed some threads with people having some doubts about the influence of stats on conversations, particularly Charisma, Intelligence and Wisdom.
So, not knowing if a compilation thread is already happening somewhere around here, let's make one. Put down every every time you experienced a particular conversation line etc. influenced by a stat.
Like "Got reward X from NPC X if I had 15+ Charisma"... or something along those lines.
So, not knowing if a compilation thread is already happening somewhere around here, let's make one. Put down every every time you experienced a particular conversation line etc. influenced by a stat.
Like "Got reward X from NPC X if I had 15+ Charisma"... or something along those lines.
Jared on the map North of the Gnoll stronghold only gives you the Boots of the North as a reward for saving him from a Polar bear if your reaction adjustment is high (so either high Charisma or rep, or both).
Landrin at the Friendly Arm will give you several (5, IIRC) antidotes when giving the spider-slaying quest if your reaction adjustment is high (18 Charisma with 10 rep, so about +4 is needed).
I can't think of any off the top of my head that depend on Int or Wis in Baldur's Gate. There are definitely some in Planescape: Torment though.
In it Jalily, one of the BG:EE team confirms that Reaction adjustment rather than raw Charisma score is checked ingame.
I also recall a little surprise I had on my very first BG:EE run. My 19 Charisma, high rep Cavalier managed to convince Tamoko not to fight in the Undercity, something I'd never seen before.
I don't think starting alignment and rep factors into it, as 8-13 reputation is "no adjustment".
*Edit* Just remembered another one. AR5200 (the waterfall area) has a quest to retrieve the body of Drienne's cat (Pixie I think). If you have a reaction adjustment of +5 or more then you get +1 rep and a scroll of protection from undead in addition to XP, and she tells you her dad will raise the cat from the dead. With a neutral reaction adjustment you get XP and a couple of gold, with a low reaction adjustment you get nothing at all.
1. Well met, traveller.
Sometimes you also get
2. Keep your distance (don't recall the exact line)
I'm not sure what it's based on. At first I thought your alignment might give different options, but now I'm thinking it could be related to Wisdom score. I never tank Intelligence, but sometimes I tank my Wisdom score on CHARNAME to get the stats I want. I guess this is hinting that you are too trusting or don't sense the danger of the situation or are just gullible. Anyone else know for sure?
Another very minor one, and I'm not sure what exactly the combination was:
In Baldur's Gate, the girl with the cat. I once talked to the father with 21 charisma (neutral evil jester, 18 start, tome, cloak) and killed the cat and he actually gave me a cloak of protection. With 18 charisma, he still says "you didn't think I'd really give you the cloak". It may also have to do with the reputation, I forgot what I had (but likely 9 or lower; definitely not above 15).
Silke offers you extra gold if you kill the thugs.
Unshey gives you a book if you return his stolen girdle.
Liandrin gives you 6 Antidotes to fight her spider infestation.
Fuller gives you a magical dagger.
The girl with the drowned cat gives you a protection scroll and extra reputation.
A particular nobleman in distress rewards you with cold-resistant boots.
Tamoko can be persuaded not to fight you.
NPC dialogues can change too, from what I remember...
Viconia says she no longer worships Lloth, and dialogue options change to show that you do not discriminate.
Safana expresses her awe for your imposing male stature.
Edwin actually thinks you do nicely for his job.
Kagain thinks you deserve just a little bit extra money for your "help" when you recruit him.