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[Bug] Playing the Tutorial, and Branwen continuously tells me I haven't cast a spell yet

Match451Match451 Member Posts: 55
I decided to play the BG tutorial. All was find and dandy until Branwen showed up to teach me to cast cleric spells. Every time I click End Dialogue, Branwen immediately pipes up again to tell me I haven't cast a spell yet. Click End Dialogue. You haven't cast a spell yet. End Dialogue. You haven't cast a spell yet. End Dialogue. Youhaventcastaspellyet. Etc, etc, etc.


  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    You should probably cast a spell then ;)))

    Anyway, sounds like a bug - does it happen every time?
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited October 2013
    There should be some delay between the nags. Once you cast a healing spell, they will stop. Otherwise they will continue, that's by design.
  • Match451Match451 Member Posts: 55
    Branwen IMMEDIATELY says "You haven't cast a spell yet" when I click "End Dialogue". Not even a second passes. It's close to impossible to cast a spell that quickly. I've attached a save. I suspect it may have something to do with the want I got from picking a locked chest in the tutorial.
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