[bug v 1.0.2028] Rasaad Joining Issues

I thought I read a bug report on this already, but I couldn't find anything. Anyway, when I first ran into Rasaad in Nashkel I invited him to join the group. He agreed but didn't actually join! I also didn't get the journal entry for him. Then I talked to him again; the dialog was bugged, cutting off just before the heckler joins in. After a couple of tries, he actually does join, but a second Rasaad spawned to do kicks and punches for the crowd.
edit: Then I talked to the second Rasaad, and ended up with two of him in my party!
edit: Then I talked to the second Rasaad, and ended up with two of him in my party!
Post edited by Autequi on
My problem is different. When I kick him out of the party and then try to recruit him again, he immediately responds as if I kicked him out again and leaves.
I didn't have any issues kicking him out.