[bug v 1.0.2028] Rasaad Inventory/Char Record

After Rassad joins, attempting to access his Inventory or Character Record pops up the following dialog boxes:
(Windows 7 64-bit, btw.)
[Grargh, every time I edit this post I find another mistake afterwards.]
.\sql_compiler.c[566]: [Overflow] Can't add Table: Number of tables[256] greater than or equal to the maximum number[256].followed by:
.\sql_compiler.c[815]: [Not Exists] Table 'HPMONK' does not exist.The boxes are then repeated, and the Inventory or Character Record shows up normally.
(Windows 7 64-bit, btw.)
[Grargh, every time I edit this post I find another mistake afterwards.]
Post edited by Autequi on
This should narrow down the issue to kit-wide or Rasaad-only.
Could you attach your savegame so I could narrow down if it is a "personal" issue or a class-wide one?
EDIT: Issue doesn't appear with a CHARNAME Sun Soul Monk.
EDIT2: After CLUAing myself to Nashkel and taking Rasaad to my group, i didn't encounter this issue either. Must be an issue on your end, but not in the client.
This issue arose after the buggy join that I posted about in another thread, and went away after restarting BGEE.
Edit: Like the OP, the problem went away after restarting the game, but still might be worth trying to track down the source since it's not obvious that will fix it when you recruit him.