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Kit base colours - possible to change them?

bem809bem809 Member Posts: 26
Hi, I'm using the awesome Mr. Pennyway's Cosmetic Changes that turns the colour of my plate armour into the same colour as my kit's base colour. Is there any way to change the base colours of kits? I want my Cavalier to have black armour like a Blackguard. Thanks!


  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Open up your save game with EEKeeper and find your characters appearance-colors section, change the metal-or possibly armor-colors to whatever you like.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    In Near Infinity or DLTCEP (DLTCEP will work better for this), open up CLASCOLR.2da and find the column for the kit you want to change; CAVALIER, in this case.

    Then just change the index values for Armor, Metal, and Leather. for black, I recommend some variation of 136, 66, and 182 or 183. All of those are values for colors that are (or are close to) black.

    You can change the base clothing colors as well. Experiment with different things; you can see the index values for each color just by opening up a CRE file in Near Infinity and selecting the Metal Color line. Then use the scroll-thumb on the bottom section to look through all of the color entries. Find the color that works best for you, and take note of its numeric value.
  • bem809bem809 Member Posts: 26
    Alright will do that now. Thanks guys!
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