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problem in Durlag

DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
Last time I played the game (years ago) I didn't have the expansion so I didn't have Durlag but even back then I knew how cursed items worked. So, I picked up the goblet in tower and it's benefit is great specially to players (me) who can rather save for a remove curse spell to have a full HP restore.
MY problem is that the curse stays. I can't remove it. Neither with mage, nor cleric. I don't have the bad effect of the curse when I use remove fear till I rest then all over again even as I used remove curse. Is it a bug or am I permanetly stuck with a character that I have to remove fear each time I rest which is stupid as hell?

Not to mention that I used Neera to remove it and she did it as a level 11 caster so it really sucks if I can't remove it on my own (not sure about the temple's as I haven't checked that yet aka planing to pass final level of tower before I check that :P).


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  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    I used to beat both the demon knight and Sarevok by putting the helmet on my best fighter with high HP, and throwing them at the boss. Then, when they get to low HP...just drink!

    It's a lovely item.
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