What organization would you like to enter?

Faerûn is home to many organizations; some operate legally in bright daylight, others are carefully hidden away in the darkest corners of the continent. Here you can vote for what organization you would like to be part of!
Edit: Dang, hit enter halfway through. -_-
Guess I'll have to just write the others down here, then:
- The Xanathar's Guild (a certain Beholder's cutthroats)
- Druids of the Tall Tree (tree huggers of the High Forest)
- Guardians of the Weave (Mystra's playthings)
- People of the Black Blood (animal protectors, sponsored by Malar)
Edit: Dang, hit enter halfway through. -_-
Guess I'll have to just write the others down here, then:
- The Xanathar's Guild (a certain Beholder's cutthroats)
- Druids of the Tall Tree (tree huggers of the High Forest)
- Guardians of the Weave (Mystra's playthings)
- People of the Black Blood (animal protectors, sponsored by Malar)
- What organization would you like to enter?50 votes
- Harpers (busy-bodies)22.00%
- Zhentarim (likeable, honest merchants)18.00%
- Fangshields (goody-goody monsters)  4.00%
- Lords' Alliance (Lawful Boring merchants)  4.00%
- Cult of the Dragon (necrophiliac dragon lovers)10.00%
- Red Wizards of Thay (bald wizards™)14.00%
- The Xanathar's Guild (a certain Beholder's cuttrho)  0.00%
- Druids of the Tall Tree  0.00%
- Guardians of the Weave24.00%
- People of the Black Blood  4.00%
Post edited by Kamigoroshi on
In the meanwhile, I'd like to point out at @Kamigoroshi that the Zhentarium aren't 'likeable, honest merchants' but rather an evil mercenary company.
I can't see Edwin selling items of power with a cheerful smile though.
Btw, why so many for the harpers? Doesn't secrecy contradict law and order? And doesn't maintening the balance imply perpetuating a conflict to the detriment of all those involved?
Also this poll is lacking in pirates. :P
Guardians of the Weave sounds like a fanatical hair-extensions club. ^.^
I think I'd rather be a Harper, since that seems to be the most popular choice here. Call me conformist, but I'd prefer avoiding being the only one left who isn't a Harper. Oh the horror.
But Zhentarim are good enough, if only because they get to be in tight with the most baddest awesomest religion on Faerun, the church of Bane.
I'm agreed with @MERLANCE, all glory to Bane!
That or the Nihilistic Bleak Cabal, but mainly so I could quote the Big Lebowski ("We believe in nothing, Lebowski!") and throw Pine Martens into bathtubs.
Just because of the Drow priestesses
The Flaming Fist would be another option. I've always wanted to speak with a southern drawl while wearing full plate =p