[UI bug] Scrollbar doesn't work when editing biography

When editing a biography that is too long to hold on the screen, the scrollbar is shown and seems to be calculated properly, i.e. the number of clicks on the bottom arrow for the knob to reach the bottom seems to correspond to the lenght of the text. However, whatever you do to scroll (scrollbar, scrollbar arrow, mouse wheel, press the mouse button and pull, keys), the text doesn't scroll although the scrollbar is refreshed according to the move.
Furthermore the scrollbar position has a effect on the text selection feature. The first screenshot shows a proper selection (once you figure out where the real spot is, see below), while the second one was made after "scrolling" to the bottom. As you can see, the text selection adjusts to the text I should be selecting, even if it's out of bounds of the text area.
Regarding the text selection, there are also strange issues on screenshot 3. Scrollbar was on top position and in that case, selection is more or less logical in the first part (although there is a shift compared to where the mouse is, usually). On the second part of the text, selection appear really far from the mouse pointer though: capture 3 shows the mouse position when selection is complete.
From my experience with trying to select texts in various parts of the biography, I would say that there is a disconnection between the text selected and the mouse cursor. It looks as if the game was calculating a position in the text from the mouse pointer position based on a Courier type fixed width font while the text is actually using a variable width font. This is certainly that but somehow the problem gets really worse at the end of the text, especially after the empty line.
Besides it's not possible to make a screenshot while on this screen. I had to use PlayClaw to grab these screenshots. I ensured that all issues were also present when PlayClaw was not running and the game restarted after exiting PlayClaw.
Steps to reproduce:
1. start the game in French
2. create an elf swashbuckler (select "voleur" then "bretteur")
3. go to customize, biography
Probably it works with other languages/classes too, provided the biography is long enough.
BGEE build date: "Fri Oct 25 21:34:15 MDT 2013"
Furthermore the scrollbar position has a effect on the text selection feature. The first screenshot shows a proper selection (once you figure out where the real spot is, see below), while the second one was made after "scrolling" to the bottom. As you can see, the text selection adjusts to the text I should be selecting, even if it's out of bounds of the text area.
Regarding the text selection, there are also strange issues on screenshot 3. Scrollbar was on top position and in that case, selection is more or less logical in the first part (although there is a shift compared to where the mouse is, usually). On the second part of the text, selection appear really far from the mouse pointer though: capture 3 shows the mouse position when selection is complete.
From my experience with trying to select texts in various parts of the biography, I would say that there is a disconnection between the text selected and the mouse cursor. It looks as if the game was calculating a position in the text from the mouse pointer position based on a Courier type fixed width font while the text is actually using a variable width font. This is certainly that but somehow the problem gets really worse at the end of the text, especially after the empty line.
Besides it's not possible to make a screenshot while on this screen. I had to use PlayClaw to grab these screenshots. I ensured that all issues were also present when PlayClaw was not running and the game restarted after exiting PlayClaw.
Steps to reproduce:
1. start the game in French
2. create an elf swashbuckler (select "voleur" then "bretteur")
3. go to customize, biography
Probably it works with other languages/classes too, provided the biography is long enough.
BGEE build date: "Fri Oct 25 21:34:15 MDT 2013"
1. start new game
2. create a character (i did it with a TN gnome illusionist)
3. decide to edit BIO and paste some text.
4. No scrollbars show and trackpad can't scroll.
Same here on PC / window7 32 bits and 1.2.0 patch.
I have the problem with my edited biography on the character screen. I added some lines to the default biography when i created my character (which means i didn't erase the default biography, but wanted to add a few lines after it).
Now while ingame, i can't scroll down to the end of the biography and so can't edit it further. The slider has the same problem : seems to scroll lower but the visible part of the text doesn't change.