Few issues noticed while playing multiplayer

We've played a bit of multiplayer and we noticed a few things:
Character that the other player uses sometimes do random 'attack' animations, even if there is nothing to attack. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe it seems to happen when I get out of a menu (inventory/charactersheet) to the game.
Pausing is still pretty difficult, and auto-pausing doesn't work all the time. We've noticed this after talking to Silke, when she becomes hostile the game doesn't auto pause seem to auto-pause. And you have to hit the pause button either quite hard or quite a few times to make the game pause at all. Perhaps there is some kind of lag in pausing?
After talking to Garrick we were brought to Silke, the other player talked to Garrick again instead of Silke and got the same quest again and we got the little cutscene again, this time however we walked to where Garrick originally stood, only halfway he turned around and walked back to Silke. I think once you talked to Garrick and he's standing next to Silke he should say something like ' Talk to Silke' instead of pretending we've never talked before
Character that the other player uses sometimes do random 'attack' animations, even if there is nothing to attack. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe it seems to happen when I get out of a menu (inventory/charactersheet) to the game.
Pausing is still pretty difficult, and auto-pausing doesn't work all the time. We've noticed this after talking to Silke, when she becomes hostile the game doesn't auto pause seem to auto-pause. And you have to hit the pause button either quite hard or quite a few times to make the game pause at all. Perhaps there is some kind of lag in pausing?
After talking to Garrick we were brought to Silke, the other player talked to Garrick again instead of Silke and got the same quest again and we got the little cutscene again, this time however we walked to where Garrick originally stood, only halfway he turned around and walked back to Silke. I think once you talked to Garrick and he's standing next to Silke he should say something like ' Talk to Silke' instead of pretending we've never talked before

I think the what makes the lag is that pause command is put in some kinda multi thread safe queue with the rest of the actions that are triggered, but the pause command is somewhere on the bottom.