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if you could create kit...



  • MilesBeyondMilesBeyond Member Posts: 324
    Con Artist

    Bard kit

    The Con Artist has dedicated his life to the pursuit of wealth, power and fame through his silver tongue. To that end, the Con Artist employs quick wit, articulate eloquence, a mastery of psychology, and sheer trickery to charm, confuse and demoralize his opponents in battle. Such a study of human interaction, however, leaves no time for the pursuit of the arcane arts.


    Gains nine spells that can be cast as special abilities:

    1st level: Charm Person once per day, once for every two levels

    3rd level: Same as above, but Horror

    5th level: Same as above, but Dire Charm

    7th level: Same as above, but Emotion: Hopelessness

    9th level: Same as above, but Domination

    11th level: Can cast Mislead once/day

    14th level: Can cast Power Word: Stun once/day

    17th level: Can cast Power Word: Blind once/day

    21st level: Can cast Power Word: Kill once/day


    Cannot cast any other spells

    Minimum 17 CHA (ordinarily 15 for Bards)

    The level distribution might need some rebalancing, but it's basically a Bard who sacrifices variety and quantity in magic to gain a few spells that eventually go up to a higher level than what he could cast ordinarily. Also, as special abilities they would have no casting time and can be used while wearing armour.

    Any thoughts?
  • WinterstormWinterstorm Member Posts: 19
    Something with an ability to get monsters off my weaker or incapacitated party members would be ideal, even for a few rounds of combat, and just something that is designed from the start to take the hits, but not necessarily deal big amounts of damage.

    Sentinel kit:

    Requirements: 13str, 13con

    -Draw Monsters ability 2 times per day: The Sentinel slams their sword into his shield, calling monsters to focus their attacks on the Sentinel. Lasts for 2 rounds
    -Shield ability - Once per day, the Sentinel becomes immune toall weapons of +1 and lower, and all attacks made on the Sentinel will only cause 2 damage per hit (similar to Adamantium Golems). Lasts for 3 rounds
    -Immune to Confusion, Charm, Hold Person, and Sleep
    -Can have 5 proficiency points in Sword and Shield style
    -Gains an additional +1 to armor class when using a shield

    -Cannot have more than 2 proficiency points in any weapons or styles (other than sword and shield)
    -Cannot benefit from haste spells or items (this includes boots of speed).
    -Cannot use any ranged weapons
    -Only gains 50% of normal health granted from all healing potions.
    -After the shield ability wears off, the Sentinel is stunned for 3 rounds and incurs -2 to dexterity and strength for 5 rounds.

    Rough idea, i could probably refine it a little more. I have added in the disadvantages of less health from healing potions in order to balance out their ability to avoid/take hits. The last thing you want is an invincible party member that can take their life back up to full with a simple health potion.
  • AranneasAranneas Member Posts: 282

    backwards adaptation of the Tome of Battle for 2.5 e.

    - Replace Paladin with Crusader, Bard with Swordsage, and Ranger with Warblade. No race restrictions.

    - Replace the spellcasting of these classes with the Maneuver system. Maneuvers are learned via Sorcerer style menus.

    - Ruby Knight Vindicator, Deepstone Sentinel kits for Crusader

    - Jade Phoenix Mage, Shadow Sun Ninja, Master of Nine kits for Swordsage

    - Bloodclaw Master, Bloodstone Blade, Eternal Blade kits for Warblade
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @Heinrich can create Boom Boom once per day?
  • raclariuraclariu Member Posts: 56
    I would add an animal kit, i mean you looking like an animal, and would be something like a monk, no armor/weapon, just them paws.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2012
    The 'Savage', a barbarian kit that focused on weapon's throwing, dual-wielding and dual-throwing. Some kind of half-naked painted tribal warrior.

    - Can throw is weapons; axe/swords/dagger/throwing dagger/throwing axe.
    - Can dual throw is weapons; axe/swords/dagger/throwing dagger/throwing axe.
    - Can cast 10 spirituals 1h spears/per day. The spears can be dual-wield and have a chance to immobilize.
    - Have a damage bonus, critical bonus, range bonus when throwing weapons.

    - Cannot use shields.
    - Cannot use 2hand weapons.
    - Cannot use blunt weapons.
    - Cannot use bows and crossbows

    Something like that. ^^

    [Edit: in addition to all other Strengths/Weaknesses to be a barbarian:]
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited August 2012
    If we're talking 2E, then I would make a fighter kit that provides stealth and backstab.

    Shadow Warrior

    - Start with 25% stealth at level 1, then gain 5% each level. If BG2 rules, then the same percentages apply to both Hide in Shadows and Move Silently.
    - May backstab at a reduced progression rate than thieves, up to a maximum of 5x. (1-6=2x, 7-12=3x, 13-18=4x, 19+=5x)

    - May not wear armor greater than studded leather.
    - Cannot use missile weapons.

    Similar to the Stalker ranger kit, but instead of having spells and 2 free proficiency points in dual wield you get slightly better backstab and the ability to have grand mastery in weapons.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    mch202 said:

    Lawful Good Assassin

    Nothing is true, and everything is permitted, eh?

  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    An Elementalist Druid kit... One that uses Fire, Earth, Air, Water (Water mostly being Ice, Earth mostly being Acid or poison, and Air being electricity).

    - Gains an extra Health Point every 2 levels (Water Attunement)
    - Improved casting speed by 2 at level 11 (Air Attunement)
    - Gains a -1 to AC at first level and again at 12th level (Earth Attunement)
    - Gains a 15% base resistance to Acid, Frost, Fire, and Electricity at level 10
    - May also choose to morph into an Ice Elemental and Air Elemental as HLA's
    - Gains access to mage spells:
    - Burning Hands, Chill Touch (Level 1)
    - Melf's Acid Arrow, Aganazzer's Scorcher (Level 2)
    - Lightning Bolt, Haste (Level 3)
    - Ice Storm, Teleport Field (Level 4)
    - Cloud Kill, Sunfire (Level 5)
    - Chain Lightning, Death Fog (Level 6)
    - May not use Wooden weapons unless the item is otherwise attuned to fire (Fire Attunement)
    - My only wear up to Leather Armor
    - May not shapeshift into anything except elementals.

    This is kind of like a druid that's a bit of a mage. I love the mage class, but if they added the Elementalist to the game, I would be a druid forevermore. I don't mean THIS particular set up that I have above... but maybe something with the same ethos as what an elementalist is. This might be a bit OP as a build... but I think you get the general idea.

    I also think there should be a shadow druid class, and that it should be given to Faldorn lol.
  • jones0901jones0901 Member Posts: 51
    ranger kit,
    Harper Sentinal,
    this ranger began his life as a apprentice mage within the harpers. a mediocre practioneer of the arcane arts at best, her masters chose to shift the focus of her training. masterfully trained in the bow and blade and able to move with the shadows, this ranger supplements her prowess with a touch of the arcane.

    may take three stars in bows or any bladed weapon
    gains one star in single weapon
    gains magic missle every five levels, (at half the power of the mage)
    gains acid arrow at 3, 7
    gains lesser spell breach (3 levels after the mage gets it) and three levels after that.

    only up to studded leather
    does not gain 2 stars in dual wield/cannot take
    may not use priest spells

    something like that. i always wanted to add some arcane magic to the ranger. maybe some other spells or less
    it also allows you to not to have to pause and add the off hand weapon when you switch between the melee and ranged.
    kit is a skrimisher.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    The perfect fighter kit for a dwarf: Gutbuster!
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited August 2012
    Your arcane archer is one of the only custom kits I like. I believe the current expression is "Props!"

    Edit: not necessarily in this thread. Created ones
  • eainterplayeainterplay Member Posts: 55
    Also, I was thinking the other day that none of the fighter kits excel at helping the character "tank". In fact none of the martial class kits do. So maybe something like...


    Special Ability: Taunt- lures one enemy per 4 levels that fill compelled to attack you
    Special Ability: Immense Will- 1x per day gains Full Immunity for 5 rounds
    Passive: Shield Mastery- get +2 to AC when using a shield
    Passive: Plate Mastery- when wearing plate mail armor you gain 10% physical damage resistance
    Hit dice is changed from a d10 for fighters to a d12

    Can only specialize in weapons (not master or grand master)
    Can not use ranged weapons
    Can not dual wield
    Can not drink potions (there's the kicker)
    Can not dual class (as this dualled with a cleric would be insane)
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    concubine kit

    like a bard, only more perverted at keeping everyone's 'moral' up
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2012
    Another one. Barbarian kit:

    Eye of Gruumsh


    Gains Truesight when raging
    Immune to fear
    Rage lasts 10 rounds.
    +1 AC every 5 levels starting at level 5

    Cannot wear any armor
    Cannot put points into ranged weapons
    Must be Half-Orc
    Must be neutral evil, chaotic evil, or chaotic neutral.
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150
    Monk Kit:

    Elementalist Monk


    At 1st level, the monk adds 1d4 fire damage to unarmed attacks.
    At 6th level, the monk adds 1d4 frost damage to unarmed attacks.
    At 11th level, the monk adds 1d4 lightning damage to unarmed attacks.
    At 16th level, the monk adds 1d4 acid damage to unarmed attacks.
    At 21st level level, the monk adds 1d4 poison damage to unarmed attacks.

    At 27th level, the monk's fists are treated as +5 weapons.

    The monk gains 1 AC every 5 levels instead of every 2.
    The monk gains 2% Magic resistance/level instead of 3, capping at 52% at level 26.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    edited August 2012
    Some ideas I've come up with.

    A gladiator is a trained fighter in the arts of combat, most often not by willing trade. To survive, a gladiator must always be ahead of the curve and able to outwit opponents to stay alive in the arena. Much more disciplined than the normal fighter, the gladiator gains greater combat resilience with every level. A gladiator, in the arena, is seldom if ever in possession of ranged weapons and heavy/bulky armor and therefore has no use for them.

    - Every 3rd Level (1/3/6/9/12...), the gladiator gains an additional +1 melee attack damage.
    - Every 6th Level (1/6/12/18...), the gladiator gains an additional +1 AC.
    - At Level 9, and every 9th Level thereafter (9/18/27/36...), the gladiator gains an additional +1 THAC0 with melee weapons.

    - Cannot be Lawful aligned.
    - Cannot wear armor beyond Studded Leather.
    - Cannot become proficient in ranged weapons.
    - Cannot Dual Class.
    - Requires Intelligence of 9.

    Ever ready to engage in a battle for honor or supremacy, a duelist is deadly foe. As a trade, and as a living, the duelist seeks to dominate opponents in every manner of combat whether mentally by humiliation or physically by outright overpowering opponents. Duelists are both mental and physical masters of armed melee combat.

    - Bonus +3 melee attack damage.

    - Every 5th Level (1/5/10/15...), the Duelist gains an additional +1 AC.

    - May cast ability "Boastful Challenge" at one cast per 4 levels (1/4/8/12...). Nearby opponents (30' radius) suffer -1 AC, -1 Attack Damage and -1 THAC0. At Level 9, opponents instead suffer -2 AC, -2 Attack Damage and -2 THAC0 and must save versus breath weapons at -2, or Panic for the duration of effects. At Level 18, opponents instead suffer -3 AC, -3 Attack Damage and -3 THAC0 and must save versus breath weapons at -4, or Panic for the duration of effects. Lasts 18 seconds (3 rounds).

    Boastful Challenge
    | With confidence, the duelist sounds an intimdating shout challenging
    | his or her foes that will cause for all nearby opponents in a 30' radius
    | to suffer -1 AC, -1 THAC0 and -1 Attack Damage. Lasts 18 seconds.
    | At Level 9, nearby opponents will instead suffer -2 AC, -2 THAC0 and
    | -2 Attack Damage and must also save versus breath weapons at -2, or Panic.
    | At Level 18, nearby opponents will instead suffer -3 AC, -3 THAC0 and
    | -3 Attack Damage and must also save versus breath weapons at -4, or Panic.

    - Cannot wear armor beyond Studded Leather.
    - Cannot become proficient in ranged weapons.
    - Cannot place points into SWORD AND SHIELD style.
    - AC penalty versus Missiles, -4.

    Protection without measure is worth more than any treasure. The guardian excells in being a raw fighter but at the aiding and protecting fellow adventurers. His primary objective is to protect his interests and his party by any means necessary.

    - Bonus +3 melee attack damage.

    - At Level 1, the Guardian may cast ability "Provoke" at one cast per 3 levels (1/3/6/9...). All party members, except for the caster, within a 30' radius of the Guardian will be temporarily ignored by hostile creatures. Lasts 3 seconds.

    | In an attempt to protect party members, the Duelist will Provoke
    | enemies, drawing attention from nearby allies. Party members
    | within a 30' radius of the Guardian will be temporarily ignored by
    | hostile creatures. Lasts 3 seconds.

    - At Level 6, the Guardian may cast ability "Guardian's Wing" at one cast per 4 levels (6/10/14/18...). The Guardian receives a bonus +2 AC and party members within a 30' radius of the Guardian receive a bonus +1 AC. At Level 16, nearby party members instead receive a +2 AC bonus. At Level 20, nearby party members instead receive a +3 AC bonus. Lasts 30 seconds (6 rounds).

    Guardian Wings
    | The Guardian will radiate a protective aura, shielding nearby
    | party members for a short period of time.
    | Party members within a 30' radius of the Guardian receive
    | a bonus +1 AC. The Guardian himself receives an
    | additional +1 bonus AC.
    | At Level 16, nearby party members instead receive a bonus
    | +2 AC bonus. At Level 20, nearby party members instead
    | receive a bonus +3 AC bonus. Lasts 30 seconds (6 rounds).

    - Cannot be Evil Aligned.
    - May only become proficient in one-handed weapons.
    - May only become proficient in ranged weapons.
    - Cannot place points into SINGLE WEAPON style.
    - Cannot place points into TWO WEAPON style.
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