limited metagaming wilderness exploration

Hi all!
Is there a reasonable way of playing the wilderness areas that does not rely on the player knowing where to go and what to avoid, without constantly reloading?
For instance, my CHARNAME would reasonably be able to find Zurlongs boots, and perhaps go looking for the half-ogres, as you are given some indication of where to go from the quest givers. But I have trouble motivating how my party would know where to go looking for Bassilus or Brage. And if you just decide to explore randomly, you risk your party being wiped by a stray vampiric wolf or whatever behind the nearest tree.
I guess what I'm asking is, if there's an order to playing the areas that makes sense from an RP perspective, and doesn't make you run into totally level-inappropriate encounters.
Is there a reasonable way of playing the wilderness areas that does not rely on the player knowing where to go and what to avoid, without constantly reloading?
For instance, my CHARNAME would reasonably be able to find Zurlongs boots, and perhaps go looking for the half-ogres, as you are given some indication of where to go from the quest givers. But I have trouble motivating how my party would know where to go looking for Bassilus or Brage. And if you just decide to explore randomly, you risk your party being wiped by a stray vampiric wolf or whatever behind the nearest tree.
I guess what I'm asking is, if there's an order to playing the areas that makes sense from an RP perspective, and doesn't make you run into totally level-inappropriate encounters.
As for issues with non level appropriate encounters, just playing through the story sensibly until after nashkell mines (by following notes and advice) will lead you to the end of nashkel mines safely.
Even after that, the bandit camp and areas proceeding it are not going to cause too many headaches.
It's only around about the time you go to cloakwood that you risk inappropriately difficult encounted just by following the plot, but by that time, you should be around a reasonable enough level (4 or 5) to be able to win just about any encounter by adjusting tactics and using consumables appropriately.
With this in mind, you could RP that your CHARNAME is hesitant to leave the safer roads at a low level, but as she gains in power, she is willing to venture farther afield. If you know Brage is out there somewhere, you might be tempted to more fully explore dangerous territory to find him.
So fully exploring these areas are completely normal from a rp perspective. And a stray Vampiric Wolf should not be a problem. If it is, you shouldnt be exploring the wildnerness yet.