Help Me Decide - Final BG2EE Party Member

Hi all, I'm planning to continue with my current BGEE character in BG2EE, continuing with those party members who I can, namely Dorn and Neera. I have a pretty good idea what my BG2EE party will look like but am struggling on whether to take Korgan or Viconia for the final party slot. As Viconia isn't in my BGEE party, she's not a sure thing, though I think I'm leaning toward her in order to have a backup healer. Also, it should be noted that I would likely change her to a multi class fighter/cleric, as I don't need two full clerics.
So here's my party as I envision it currently. If it turns out that Hexxat won't fit, I'll likely just roll up some sort of fighter/thief type in a multiplayer game to fill the thief role. So please let me know who you think I should take, Korgan or Viccy. I'm open to other suggestions, but other than Neera, I plan to stick with all evil characters only:
1. PC NE DC Brsrkr 9/Clr X Fl +++++/Shld S&S ++ (FoA)
2. Dorn CE Blkgrd GrSwd ++ THW ++ (QtrStf bckp)
3. Hexxat ?? Thf (Kit?) ?? ??
4. Edwin LE Conj Slng + /Stf + N/A
5. Neera CN Wild Mage Slng + /Stf + N/A (Hlb bckp)
6? Korgan CE Brsrkr WrHmr +++++/Ax +++++ TWF +++ Crom Faeyr
6? Viconia NE MC Fighter/Cleric WrHmr ++/Shield S&S ++ Crom Faeyr
So here's my party as I envision it currently. If it turns out that Hexxat won't fit, I'll likely just roll up some sort of fighter/thief type in a multiplayer game to fill the thief role. So please let me know who you think I should take, Korgan or Viccy. I'm open to other suggestions, but other than Neera, I plan to stick with all evil characters only:
1. PC NE DC Brsrkr 9/Clr X Fl +++++/Shld S&S ++ (FoA)
2. Dorn CE Blkgrd GrSwd ++ THW ++ (QtrStf bckp)
3. Hexxat ?? Thf (Kit?) ?? ??
4. Edwin LE Conj Slng + /Stf + N/A
5. Neera CN Wild Mage Slng + /Stf + N/A (Hlb bckp)
6? Korgan CE Brsrkr WrHmr +++++/Ax +++++ TWF +++ Crom Faeyr
6? Viconia NE MC Fighter/Cleric WrHmr ++/Shield S&S ++ Crom Faeyr
I realize that I would do just fine with either choice, but am trying to find some clear reason that one choice would be better than the other. With Viconia, yes, my front line seems a little light, but I bet I could turn her into a good tank with the right gear, and she'd be a monster with Cromy Faeyr. On the other hand, you really can't go wrong with a grand master in axes, and dual wielding Crom Faeyr would make Korgan unstoppable. And of course, one can never speak too highly of the berserk ability in a game with plenty of vampires, liches, and beholders. And as a single class character Korgan will be able to do that all day long. Of course, with Dorn I already have that role covered quite well.
The reason that I'm leaning toward Viconia is that I think I'd really be okay in the tank department even with her, and having a backup healer who can get those backup "heal" spells in, and eventually, greater restoration, is always a good insurance policy. Plus, she's generally better company than the dwarf.