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Why did nobody like ToB anyway? (-SPOILERS-)

WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
I've heard talk ever since I came here a few months ago that ToB was very disappointing in the end.

But I actually enjoyed it a lot. It was very short but I thought it was fantastic but I never bothered asking why nobody fancied it.

It should be noted I haven't used Ascension before so I'm probably missing out.


  • AranneasAranneas Member Posts: 282
    It's a morass of story that's built on gaping plot holes, deus ex machina twists, and poor characterization. for something that was intended to be the capstone to a series built on startling levels of immersion it ended up being closer to a betrayal. in my opinion it is still a decent game by objective standards, but BG fans were expecting so much more and it was definitely not delivered.
  • SeldarSeldar Member Posts: 438
    I like it.

    A little bit short but it's a very good ending.

    And the Watcher's Keep is a great dungeon ! I don't why "suppsoed" fan call Tob a "disaster"
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    edited July 2012

    Did you not know? All those things are industry standard these days. Ha. Ha.

    Can you be more specific though? What sort of things drove you away, because I seem to have missed a lot of those plot holes. Now that I think about it, all those LONG talks with the Solar in the pocket plane, there is every opportunity for mistakes.


    The Watcher's Keep is playable in SoA as well, but I get the feeling it WASN'T originally. Am I correct?
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    I actually enjoyed it (though I did play it with "Ascension", so take my comments with a grain of salt) - the story was intriguing (I honestly wasn't expecting to lose Saradush, it seemed to be the same kind of hub town as Baldur's Gate and Athkatla), I loved Melissan as an antagonist (because I'd honestly never considered that as a god, Bhaal must have had a high priest or priestess), and Sarevok's storyline was, I think, one of the first examples of your choices having a real effect on your NPCs: depending on how you treat him, he'll either betray you or take your side; you can turn him to Chaotic Good or keep him evil, however you like.

    The dialogues with the Solar were also interesting, because up until ToB no one ever really talked about what it meant to be a Bhaalspawn, what Bhaal's plan was originally meant to be, etc. It's the first time in the saga where the antagonist is directly targeting you, as opposed to you just being a wrench in their schemes: Sarevok wasn't after you exclusively, his main agenda was the Iron Throne plot, and Irenicus only sees you as a tool for his revenge.
  • SeldarSeldar Member Posts: 438
    Yes the Watcher's Keep is playable in SoA once you have installed ToB
  • AceofWandsAceofWands Member Posts: 33
    It's just not as good as its predecessors. Still a very good game though. They were a bit rushed because of KotOR commitments.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    its was a decent game. but compared to the other 2, it really was mostly fighting that just got more and more epic, dont get me wrong its was a pretty cool game, and a good ending.
    its biggest flaw being that it just wasnt as good as the those that came before it.
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    etagloc said:

    its was a decent game. but compared to the other 2, it really was mostly fighting that just got more and more epic, dont get me wrong its was a pretty cool game, and a good ending.
    its biggest flaw being that it just wasnt as good as the those that came before it.

    I thought it was just an expansion wasn't it, not a stand alone game, as an expansion, I thought it was fantastic!

  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    I met Melissan and immediately said to myself "yep, she's evil and going to betray me." And then there's Bondari.

    On the upside, ToB gave us the tab key and WK and, uh... well, how 'bout that tab key!
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    It has that nice fire giant lair which I am using as the main forge in my mod. Can't think of anything else that was good about it.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I would say the limited selection of upgradable/powerful weapons was a bit of a downer, but overall I enjoyed it.
  • TazokTazok Member Posts: 34
    I loved ToB and never knew other people disliked it. I thought everything about it was a perfect ending for the story. I have the biggest bro-crush on Sarevok, the areas were awesome, the bhaalspawn were beyond epic(half dragon half god), and Melissan surprised me with her plot. The only thing I absolutely hated was chasing Saemon Havarian all over. GOD I always just wanted to murder him!!! But even he was a good story on their part I guess, because it gave that strong of a feeling about that pain in the ass
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    For me it was just the fact that it felt rushed. There are places where you can really tell they were cutting corners (not that I'm blaming the devs, they had a ridiculous deadline to work to from what I've read). The plot is a railroad from one fight to the next and even the illusion of choice is abandoned. The magic plot door takes you to the next place in the story and you kill the bad guy, then the next and the next. There's no *world* any more, just a series of fights and rest stops. I will say that I did really like the Solar's revelations, but it would have been nice if the Pocket Plane challenges were more like the Hell Trials at the end of SoA rather than inevitable fights.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    I love Bg1 more than Bg2 mainly because of the sense of exploration/open world, while Bg2 is not an open world, it still had ALOT of sidequests mainly in Athkatla. in Tob you hadnt even that... You finish a map, you move to the next.. it was close in character more to Icewind Dale 2 than to BG2, too linear for me.

  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    edited July 2012
    Generally speaking this is how I can envision the whole BG saga:

    - BG1 (TotSC): You don't know what's going on, then you find out you're a Bhaalspawn and your brother is hunting you because of this. Long play.
    - BG2 SoA: A dude kidnapped you because you're a Bhaalspawn, then you find out the guy was merely some 'outsider' that has nothing to do with Bhaal, that was interested in your power because he's seeking revenge. Long play.
    - BG2 ToB: Finally it's all about the Bhaalspawns. All of it. Short play. Wait... what???

    I think that's what made ToB a bit poorer compared to the other predecessors. Granted, I like them all, but while SoA, that has little to do with the Bhaalspawn business which is a long standalone game, ToB is all about the whole issue, but came out as a short EP (and does feel like one) with a grand finale bundled with it.

    Summing it up, that's how I see ToB (just my opinion):

    I enjoyed Chapter 8. I liked there are some other guys out there that, like Sarevok, were after you. The story that brought you to *try* your best (because let's face it: you're powerful, but you're not almighty) to save Saradush ended up being surprising and tragic, and that gave more value to the story (especially if you're a good-aligned character). Also, the Yaga-Shura battle was simply epic to me. Some mindless hack-n-slash in Saradush (kill guards, kill more guards, kill even more guards), but other than that it was pretty good.

    Chapter 9 was downright boring and redundant at best. There are some other evil Bhaalspawns here and here. Yeah, no problem. You storm their lairs like piece of cake. Slash and cut here and there. Everyone falls before your might. Finally you battle with the Bhaalspawn on duty, which is probably the only challenging part, but as for the rest... meh.

    Chapter 10, logically, was the final battle, but unlike the Temple of Bhaal under Baldur's Gate and Hell in BG2, it didn't feel that scary or dangerous, but that's just me. The Ascension mod helped a little, but whatever. The finale was great, though.

    The whole lot, bundled with some conveniently placed items that you could find even in a small village in the middle of nowhere. Heck, Amkethran had the most powerful items in all of Faerun, while in big cities like Baldur's Gate and Athkatla you find toys and trinkets compared. This is the recipe of what an EP is made of, and it's all over it. Watcher's Keep was OK, but I enjoyed more the dark, Diablo-like atmosphere of Durlag's Tower.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I like the (restored) stone-heads talks and maybe Saradush & Sendai's Enclave. Thing is I never felt interested enough to go further, not sure why I get bored every time I reach that point.
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    We should not forget, that TOB is expansion, not sequel. Even though it was meant to be in the first place, it fulfil it´s task as expansion in terms of progress, new content, lenghts, etc... I believe enhanced edition will add optional quests and stuff.
    Little off topic:All-in all I´m more excited about BG2EE as the game has already depth and what it needs is more additional content, both SOA and TOB.
  • LediathLediath Member Posts: 125
    I've played through SoA and ToB many times over (I've lost count) and I enjoy both on their own merits. SoA is a masterfully told intricate and immersive story. ToB is me being a badass, wrecking face and ultimately becoming the lord of murder WOOOO!!!! :)
  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    edited July 2012
    One more thing I've forgotten to say in my previous post. When playing both BG1 and BG2 SoA, the story kind of gave a sense of despair when you realize you're a child of a god of pure evil, and sometimes you feel like "and how am I supposed to live with that when the time comes?"

    Felt really like something guys over at BioWare had some big surprise by the end of the saga. Luckily, they did provide a great ending eventually, but still there's something wrong that made me think: once you defeat Melissan and CHARNAME and Imoen decide to give up your divine essence the Deva says: "OK, it's done. Problem solved." Really? Was that simple? Oh yeah, thank goodness my enemy siblings (especially Yaga-Shura) destroyed all the other Bhaalspawns (who many of them weren't even evil) so all the essences are gathered here and I could give up mine, but hey, I got rid of this thing so it's OK.

    I don't know. It kind of ridicules the feeling of despair I mentioned above that was all over the saga. A shame, really. Maybe I'm a little too picky on this one, but I was accustomed to something more... unpredictale while playing the two predecessors. A simple "it's done" sounded like BioWare said: "well, yeah, the game is done. Enjoy your life."
  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    Watchers Keep was awesome, the rest was really good but I've never really played through it again unlike the 20 times I've played BG2.
  • Mr_BlankMr_Blank Member Posts: 1
    I also thought it was a bit short but at least it had a definitive ending which wrapped the story up. So many games now find it impossible to tell a story with an actual ending i guess to leave open the option of sequels.

    Looking back now it is especially good after playing through certain other Bioware games' endings!
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    I'd say it's more "rush" than BG1 and BG2, and some might not have liked that.
    Question is whether extensive and long side quests, wilderness wandering, Bring A to B for C, etc. etc. would have been more appropriate for the party's levels of experience and relevance.
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    edited July 2012
    I agree with the last comment. It is designed to stay totally focused on the story which meant rushing around from plot point to plot point and all of the gameplay was designed around your party's level of experiance. I actually liked the change, I wouldn't have wanted the main core games to be like that but I thought it was a welcome change of pace for the climax of the story. As for content, it was absolutly huge for an expansion pack. I think many were expecting baldur's Gate 3 instead of an expansion. The only real side quest was Watcher's keep but it did end up being the largest dungeon of the entire series.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2012
    Lediath said:

    I've played through SoA and ToB many times over (I've lost count) and I enjoy both on their own merits. SoA is a masterfully told intricate and immersive story. ToB is me being a badass, wrecking face and ultimately becoming the lord of murder WOOOO!!!! :)

    This is it really. No matter what class your are, in TOB you BECOME a living GOD, powergamer of powergamers. Foes are eviscerated by raising your pinky finger. Whole legion fall before your might as you will hellish meteor storms into existence and cause the bowels of the earth to crack beneath. You are death, destroyer of worlds; mortal progeny and successor to the lord of murder.
  • ZyklonMZyklonM Member Posts: 16
    I have nothing bad to say about TOB except for the design of a few items.
    But then again, you shouldn't listen to me, I gave The Phantom Menace a firm 3/5
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    edited July 2012
    I love ToB. It's the only episode that really focuses on the Bhaalspawn plot. BG1 was about some random dude who wanted me dead and SoA was some other random dude I had to run after because he stripped me of my divine essence. ToB was the only one that was really about my destiny as bhaalspawn and explained everything.

    It had a lot of great voice-acting, tons of party banter including between Sarevok and everyone else (those between Sarevok and Keldorn are especially good), you would cast ridiculously high level spells, you would summon elemental princes, all the time (which I love doing), and you really felt like someone famous and feared. Heck even Elminster was pretty much shitting his pants at my sight at that point.

    WK is just one of if not the best dungeon crawl of the entire series (Durlag's Tower is a close contender).

    Plus Ascension (which was semi-official) gave us the most epic battles of the series.

    The one thing I disliked was the antagonist; Melissan isn't a convincing villain like Sarevok and Irenicus were; she doesn't seem to represent a threat until the very end of the game, where her exposition seems forced and out of place.

    Greg Kasavin did a review of Throne of Bhaal I for some reason watched over and over:
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Aranneas said:

    It's a morass of story that's built on gaping plot holes, deus ex machina twists, and poor characterization. for something that was intended to be the capstone to a series built on startling levels of immersion it ended up being closer to a betrayal. in my opinion it is still a decent game by objective standards, but BG fans were expecting so much more and it was definitely not delivered.

    Haha. "Plot holes." I love how RPG gamers manage to throw that term around. Care to enumerate them?
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    It was ok, a lot of fighting. But for that I prefer the extension of iwd1.
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