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Game Update: v1.2.0



  • SarevokokSarevokok Member Posts: 171
    Fair enough, uninstalled the game and reinstalling it for a fresh client. After I finish preping for dinner I'll go freeze/burn some gibberlings.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Just be careful; I've torched my friends on more than one occasion just by being overzealous with my fire breath.
  • VortakaVortaka Member Posts: 173
    @Dee: Bad you... Baaaaaaaad you.... :) Friends should be there to help!
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 148
    Okey, I must ask... I just had a party banter... an actual game pause PARTY BANTER that made BG2 best game ever with conversations between characters (and I don't mean new ones like Neera which had them since the EE came) aka Jaheira and Khalid had a convo about her looks.
    So I must ask as I am 100% certain that didn't exist in BG1 original and didn't have this happening till now. Did you add some banters between each and every character or was this one just a fluke or I didn't notice/have it before :P
  • AndrjeAndrje Member Posts: 1
    Any indications when the update will be available on the App Store for MacOS X?
  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    @Duron This happened to me as well, before the patch. It only happened once, and only with that one conversation, though (I think it was the same one you had. Jaheira telling something snide to Khalid, and him stuttering defensively). Any other cases of NPC interaction (Alora scolding Xan and Quayle for being gloomy, Coran flirting with Viconia, etc) went on without a pause.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 148
    Blah, was hoping for more of conversations like this one (not to mention I expect old characters to have some banter with new ones in BG2, would be a big turn off if they only connected with me without any banter between them).
  • DannyDanny Member Posts: 77
    I can't gather self-created chars (Multiplayer) in my party after kicking them. -.- That worked before the patch and is now buggy...
  • EleutherosEleutheros Member Posts: 70
    Just downloaded the patch - and I just have to say: I love the transparent UI! BG2:EE is going to rock both reviewers and customer ratings. This is an amazing product!
  • RellinRellin Member Posts: 28
    Where is the Steam version which is a majority of customers?
  • KerthalKerthal Member Posts: 68
    Rellin said:

    Where is the Steam version which is a majority of customers?

    As far as I know, Atari is responsible for the Steam version --> you'll have to ask them.

    "Majority of customers"? Is that a guess or a fact?

  • BhaalSpawndBhaalSpawnd Member Posts: 12
    More curious if the Devs have any idea when we might be able to expect it on Steam. I think I remember they mentioned that they put some effort into making sure that the patches come through faster than in the past. It's not as if the two companies don't talk to each other.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The Steam version takes longer; that's all we can really say about it. So far it's only been a day, though.
  • KozaroKozaro Member Posts: 71
    edited November 2013
    No! I have problem with launcher. Any ideas why?

    Stopped working

    Podpis problemu:
    Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: CLR20r3
    Podpis problemu: 01: bgee.exe
    Podpis problemu: 02:
    Podpis problemu: 03: 50b7f5a8
    Podpis problemu: 04: System
    Podpis problemu: 05:
    Podpis problemu: 06: 506c18e6
    Podpis problemu: 07: 1b38
    Podpis problemu: 08: 72
    Podpis problemu: 09: System.UriFormatException

    EDIT: Thanks @AendaeronBluescale
  • AendaeronBluescaleAendaeronBluescale Member Posts: 335
    Reinstall .NET Framework 3.5, your library is defective.
  • Spellsword82Spellsword82 Member Posts: 15

    Be thankful you're not using Android!
  • onanonan Member Posts: 223


    Be thankful you're not using Android!

    Um. Why? Is the Android version out and waiting for the latest patch?
  • revanbhrevanbh Member Posts: 38
    onan said:


    Be thankful you're not using Android!

    Um. Why? Is the Android version out and waiting for the latest patch?
    I don't think Android version is out yet.

  • JonMarcJonMarc Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2013
    revanbh said:

    Every time I read these kinds of posts, makes me want to punch something. We payed for the game the same way like people who bought it directly from Beamdog. Contractual obligations, profit sharing from sales, that's between Beamdog and Atari. All we want is some support or information about when we can expect said support.

    The least Beamdog can do is contact Atari, ask them about estimated time-frame of patch release on Steam, and then convey that info to us, their customers. It's not like we are asking Bioware or Obsidian about Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition patch. We are asking the game developer and publisher about it.

    Stop treating us like lepers because we bought the game from Steam. I know it's not Overhaul and Beamdog who are behind these words, but they are allowing them on their boards, so they must have tacit approval. We are all fans of the same game. Creating rifts like this is not healthy for the community.

    Sorry for somewhat harsh tone, but I really want both Enhanced Editions to succeed and would love to see more Infinity Engine games remade, but this kind of situation really makes me agitated. It should never have been allowed to come to this.

    This, so much this.

    If you look to Steam, you will note the "developer" is listed as Overhaul Games, a division of Beamdog.
    The fact that Beamdog and Atari have arranged between themselves and Steam, that it will be Atari to deliver any updates to the Steam version of BG:EE is really nothing to do with me, as the consumer. All I want is for my game to be fully updated and according to the store I bought it in (Steam), Overhaul are the people who can help me with that.

    EDIT: Thanks for the updated information, Dee. I can certainly be patient, however, if you want to stop receiving so much grief it might be worth asking Steam to update the "developer" field to read "Atari".
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @JonMarc Except that the developer is not Atari; Atari is the publisher. We are the developer. :) It would be disingenuous to suggest otherwise.
  • metalmunkimetalmunki Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    I'm also a Steam user, and dude I get your frustration but honestly, nothing is being kept from you here. It's with Atari now, and no one on this forum can reassure you any other way than what they already have. Yeah, I agree it's annoying when other forum users respond to questions about Steam with a scoff like it's 'us' and 'them'- but the mods and developers posting here don't do that, so there's no need to freak out.

    It might be a week or so for the patch but so what? It's just another week and it's not like there are no games left to play. Personally, I'm planning out my first ever BG mod in the meantime - I've played this game since it came out and bought it several times, but I've never made a mod and it's exciting, as this is the version that's made me feel like a teenager again. You (presumably) played BG1 without this patch for the 15 years it's been out, one more week won't kill you, man.
  • JonMarcJonMarc Member Posts: 17
    @LaimEsler, true, and yet there is no field for publisher. There's only developer, where the customer is supposed to go for support. What to do, what to do? :)

    I can wait, guys, no problem. But if it is Atari who are the only ones who can help Steam users, then the product page on Steam should really reflect that. This is why you are getting complaints from Steam users - because the store page on Steam for BG:EE basically lists you as the people to go to for support, not Atari.
  • LcacdriverLcacdriver Member Posts: 41

    I hate for this to be my first post in what appears to be a great communituy following the greatest games ever made, but here goes...

    Very profound and thought out in your last post...however, I and many others would be thrilled if someone in an official capacity would expound so thoughtfully on the impact (timeframe really) that this patch is going to have on the release for Android. It really should have been sufficient time to evaluate based on past statements by Trent stating this patch would make Android viable. Coming soon just doesn't really cut it anymore. Android may ultimately account for a really small piece of the revenue pie, but several people have already asked and been ignored. Is it really so difficult to not ignore and just give us some love and talk to the Android release? It would really be appreciated. I for one would buy a month's supply of Ramen and send it your way.
  • JonMarcJonMarc Member Posts: 17
    Dee said:

    If you're waiting for the patch to be released, contact Atari. Or post on the forums here, like you've been doing; but if you do that, please understand that when the developers themselves tell you that we don't control the Steam version of the game, we're not being evasive or trying to pass the buck; we're giving you as much information as we can give you.

    Understood and accepted.
    Dee said:

    Also understand that there isn't really a "bad guy" here. It's not like Atari is withholding patches, trapping game updates in a dungeon surrounded by snakes; they've got a process of their own, and it's up to them to make sure it's running smoothly.

    Unfortunately, their process doesn't seem to involve dialogue with consumers!

    (the following reply received in response to query about the patch):

    Unfortunately, we do not provide direct support for this title. Please refer to Beamdog support for further assistance.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Atari Customer Support"

    I do feel bad for you guys as you are the ones getting the strife for this, but in all honesty this is really the only place where concerns on the Steam patches are even acknowledged. It seems that Atari might be more inclined to answer polite chasing from you guys, rather than their Steam customers. I think this is why you get people nagging you!

    I've done the middleman thing before; it does kinda suck.
    Looking forward to the patch, it looks awesome.
  • XathosXathos Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2013
    If the breakup of sales are like any other game, the Steam version, and advertisement thereof, will be the lionshare of the userbase. Steam has a userbase of 65 million. How many people even knew of the game, let alone buy it, before it was on Steam? Think about it.

    All I can say is that any efforts that can be done to expediate the process will be appreciated. Words of "angering the customers" and "will effect sales" will do the job.
    Tome said:

    Firstly, the condescension was wholly unnecessary.

    Secondly, the patch notes talk of a new feature. I was mentioning a potential bug.

    Condescending would be along the lines of: "Hey idiot, read the patch notes.". I'm pointing out that you might have to dump the other sizes since it only uses one now. It could be a self-inflicted bug by not doing so (based on current responses, no.). I don't know, I've been waiting for the patch before I do my playthough before getting II.
    revanbh said:

    Hopefully we'll get it before pirates do. Now that would be hilarious, pirated copies having the patch available before Steam copies. :D

    Probable will. The pirated version (to which I'm aware of only one group release) is based on the Beamdog one.
    Post edited by Xathos on
  • metalmunkimetalmunki Member Posts: 67
    JonMarc said:

    @LaimEsler, true, and yet there is no field for publisher. There's only developer, where the customer is supposed to go for support. What to do, what to do? :)

    I can wait, guys, no problem. But if it is Atari who are the only ones who can help Steam users, then the product page on Steam should really reflect that. This is why you are getting complaints from Steam users - because the store page on Steam for BG:EE basically lists you as the people to go to for support, not Atari.

    Not only that, but Atari actually tell people 'talk to Beamdog' according to Steam users on the Steam forum that have tried to contact them.

This discussion has been closed.