BG:EE won't lauch with new update

I just downloaded the new BG:EE update, but now after trying to launch through the launcher nothing happens and I am receiving the message "You cant open Baldurs Gate because PowerPC applications are no longer supported" Anyone know what's up with this?
It worked for me, macbook air 20012 with Mavericks.
edit: I've since upgraded to Mavericks and the launcher is now working.
This is a letdown as I started it playing again after a hiatus and enjoyed it, now I'm stuck and can;t play. Any way around this? Deleting plist file in /Library/containers/com.beamdogxxxxxxx didn't help.
I am on OS X Mavericks, before the upgrade the game ran just fine. I have 2009 Quad Core Mac Pro, ATI HD5870 GPU.
Open up the launcher and in the "Baldur's Gate Launcher" menu at the top of the screen, select "Repair Install". Let me know if that doesn't fix the problem.
Incompetent doesn't even begin to describe...
EDIT: My launcher eventually sorted itself out and I was able to launch the game.
Go/Library, and delete the entire Containers/com.beamdog.* (rename or back up this folder to retain your save games)
Delete the Game data folder, including the BGEE app
Download the installer from and run it
Everyone reporting in this thread should describe if disabling extensions helps or not.