Question about BG2 Player homes ,Paladin/Blackguard

If there really actually are people who haven't played BG2 yet: Spoiler warning!
In the past one of the thinks i enjoyed most about BG2 was the player class specific homes and the mission that come with it.Since i haven't played all classes i only know about the castle for fighters,the home sphere thingie for mages,the forest for druids and the thief guild for thiefs.
So i was wondering since i have never played a Paladin,what do they get? Do they get the same castle as fighters or do they get to work for a temple(i think thats probatly what the clerics get) ?
Also i wondered how that would work for an Blackguard.He would probatly just get the castle i guess since they wouldn't let him work for a temple (at least not for a good god.)
In the past one of the thinks i enjoyed most about BG2 was the player class specific homes and the mission that come with it.Since i haven't played all classes i only know about the castle for fighters,the home sphere thingie for mages,the forest for druids and the thief guild for thiefs.
So i was wondering since i have never played a Paladin,what do they get? Do they get the same castle as fighters or do they get to work for a temple(i think thats probatly what the clerics get) ?
Also i wondered how that would work for an Blackguard.He would probatly just get the castle i guess since they wouldn't let him work for a temple (at least not for a good god.)
Blackguards will get the fighter stronghold.
As i thought the Blackguards will get the stronghold since it made the most sense.i liked it and its a nice quest-line. And its far Easier then giving them something on ther own or changing an existing quest-line like the Paladin ones. Hopefully i can manage to be an Evil ruler without getting a peasant uprising
Granted, most of it (or maybe even all of it) involves taking one or more of the new NPCs along, but they have a way larger appeal than a single kit.
Hell, if the De'Arnise keep is good enough for the Monk, it's certainly good enough for the Blackguard.
@artificial_sunlight Heh,that would be fun indeed but i think its still to much work. But hey,maybe they make player char strongholds in BG3 (yes please) and maybe then it can happen.
It just made the most sense since you get to be a ruler of a castle and a not bound to any guild/religion. It would be very difficult for him to have the mage sphere since he has no magic or the druid hain since he has nothing to do with nature or the stuff with the radiant heart but thats clear.
You "could" possible lead a thiefs guild,which would be ok with the Evil alignment,but then again stealthy stealing stuff is not really a blackguards thing so what would he know about that. He is more fit as a Ruler over land.
So yes the fighter stronghold makes the most sense. unless you can name another existing stronghold that suits better?
Or indeed what it actually is anyway. It could be a mountaintop filled with loyal and loving bunnies.
Also it is totally inappropriate cause why should only get Evil NPCs all the fun? they never have to fear are revolution,just a bunch of hero that come up every now and then.And if thats all i would take it, Ruling a Castle and slaying groups of hero from time to time is better than getting kicked out by a Gamescript.
So far, no stronghold quest requires you to bring along a character that's got the same class as you. Not to mention that having two Monks is far from an optimal party composition.
With that said, I'm not sure that's going to happen. The game would have to account for 3 different Monk alignments (just like the Cleric) and provide either different quests or outcomes for each one. I'm under the impression that this is a bit beyond the scope of the new content.
Yeah, they've promised thousands of words of new dialogue, but we've got 4 new NPCs each with their own personal quests and romances.
I'm still confident that the devs have focused on content that's accessible via playing a big variety of characters rather than implementing ideas that while cool/interesting, are very restrictive in terms of how or when you get a chance to play it.
And that's also my argument as to why it wouldn't be worth having a special stronghold just for Blackguards.
There was an idea a while back for an Evil-in-general stronghold that I liked, in the same way the Dark Brotherhood in Elder Scrolls is the "evil guild." A secret lair where profane rituals and debauchery can be conducted in private would go a long way toward making the Baldur's Gate series more approachable to Evil CHARNAMES.
That would be wonderful. But i guess IF they would make such a thing it would appear in BG3 since they have to make a new game then anyway.
Why not just give the blackguard a quest to wipe out the Radiant Heart and claim their stronghold? That's more in-character than trying to figure out which suitor should marry your maid...
I'd still much prefer a stronghold that a CHARNAME of any Evil alignment can take, though.
If the questline really is evil-friendly then it really is a good idea like Schneidend said.