Custom/Alternate Portraits

When you select a custom portrait it says you can select an alternate portrait from a list displayed on the Gameplay screen. If no alternate portrait is selected, your primary will be used.
What I'm trying to do is use a different portrait for what would have been the medium and the small. Whole body for M, just face for S. I do not see anything to do with portraits on the Gameplay screen. Is there still a mechanism to do this?
What I'm trying to do is use a different portrait for what would have been the medium and the small. Whole body for M, just face for S. I do not see anything to do with portraits on the Gameplay screen. Is there still a mechanism to do this?
If you don't select an alternate portrait for the gameplay screen, it will always use the one from the Record screen, resized as appropriate.
If so, how do you select an alternate portrait? If you right-click your character, it goes to the 'Inventory' screen. If you left-click, it selects, or double left-click, it centers. I do not see a mechanism to select an alternate portrait.
Regardless, use the 'documents' directory structure, which is stated in the directions.
I did try to use a portrait that I had not re-sized and the game crashed, so not sure if that feature is working as designed.
Then pick a medium portrait on the left for your Character Record, and pick a small portrait on the right for the game's right-side UI.