Crash after character creation!

Hello, and thanks for the new patch!! I'm looking forward to playing but I'm having a few problems trying to create a new character. I get the following errors:
.\sql_compiler.c(1021): [Not Exists] Cannot find column 'time_recieved' on table 'quests'
.\sql.c(38): sql: attempting to call NULL statement
I'm not the most computer savvy person, but I'll try to give more information if I can! Also worth noting, I've been able to play before downloading the patch.
.\sql_compiler.c(1021): [Not Exists] Cannot find column 'time_recieved' on table 'quests'
.\sql.c(38): sql: attempting to call NULL statement
I'm not the most computer savvy person, but I'll try to give more information if I can! Also worth noting, I've been able to play before downloading the patch.
Edit: Tutorial and Black Pits load fine, with new characters or pre-gen party, but no dice on the main game.
I moved the BGEE folder to another directory and ran the game to generate a new one. After that I had no problem starting new games as was able to move my latest save from the previous version back over to the new directory and play just fine.
(1) Deleted the BGEE.sql file, still had the same problem
(2) I moved the directory and started a new game so a new one will be created under Documents - still having the same issue.
Is there any thing else that I can try out to troubleshoot?