Specialist Mages; is this true?

Hello all,
I happened upon http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/conjurer.php the other day. Is the description there true? I know you get an additional spell per day, and I also knew you were not able to cast spells from the opposing school. But I had never heard of the 15% bonus/penalty to learning spells and the +1/-1 saves you receive.
Is this truly the case in the BG series?
I happened upon http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/conjurer.php the other day. Is the description there true? I know you get an additional spell per day, and I also knew you were not able to cast spells from the opposing school. But I had never heard of the 15% bonus/penalty to learning spells and the +1/-1 saves you receive.
Is this truly the case in the BG series?
Another thing I can think about is the bonus to saving throws based on wisdom, and sorcerers using charisma as a dependent stat instead of intelligence...
It would certainly have added a little more flavor to the specialist mage.