Your telling me. I had to import a full lvl 40 party to wack him, and I lost have of it.
Come on, you can kill him easily with Time Stop + Improved Alacrity, 3x Lower Resistance, some Greater Malisson and then all of your Finger of Death, but you'll need the Robe of Vecna to do this
You can also use Time Stop, turn into a Mind Flayer and drain his INT to death.
I killed Gorion with a level 1 Wild Mage but it depends heavily on luck. At level 7 it's 100% success rate.
@kiwidoc - Not sure, but I'm sure it will come up! Ray Stevenson could do it. . . He's the only one I know who could I think. Sadly, the voice. . . :P
@Lemeris, he's not too old to do the physical stuff but as far as I remember, Rashemen rangers went on their rights of passage at a young age :P would maybe have to trawl the Russian acting market for a suitable Minsc
@Calonord you are right. He's got that slightly world weary but still wise and honest look just right.
Damn it, now I want a BG series. . .