the "User" part of journal is now broken worse than ever

Hello guys. Just here to report a problem or three:
1) For whatever reason, the entries are now displayed backwards, that is, the newer are on top, the older on the bottom. It's very counterintuitive and jarring if you try to read your journal to relive past adventures; you have to first scroll to the bottom, read first entry scrolling down, then scroll back up to find next entry, again read it (going from top to bottom, because that's how reading works in our culture), then reach the end of entry, scroll back up, find the beginning of the next entry, read it scrolling down... and so on.
Contrast this with previous state of things, when you could start reading the first entry from the top, and then just keep scrolling down until you reached the end of the last entry. This was MUCH better. Please consider restoring it, devs. EDIT: apparently, this only applies to old games started pre-patch. After starting a new game you can change the order of entries by clicking the 'User' button. I like that. I hope that one of future patches this will enable this function in the old save games as well.
2) Problem with editing: if your entry is long and takes up more than one 'page' of the journal, you can't edit the parts beyond the first page - the beginning of the entry is visible and you can tweak it, but when you try to scroll or use arrows to get to later part of the text, nothing happens. Or rather - the slider on the side shows that you're scrolling lower, but the visible part of text doesn't change, and the hidden part of text remains hidden. EDIT: the same happens when creating a new entry that is longer than journal page. After you hit the bottom of the page, you can no longer see what you're typing. There's also the same problem with autobiography.
3) BIG problem with editing: the editing doesn't take. I tried several times to edit an entry, and after I clicked 'Done', all the changes I made to the text were gone. I often go back to old entries, to fix typos, fix date&hour or just add some detail I forgot - now I can't do that and I froth at the mouth in frustration.
EDIT: Here's a strange thing - I just discovered that I can edit the game-generated entries in the 'journal' part of the journal with no problem, but the 'User' section remains edit-resistant. Curiouser and curiouser.
If the above could be fixed, I'd be a much happier player.
1) For whatever reason, the entries are now displayed backwards, that is, the newer are on top, the older on the bottom. It's very counterintuitive and jarring if you try to read your journal to relive past adventures; you have to first scroll to the bottom, read first entry scrolling down, then scroll back up to find next entry, again read it (going from top to bottom, because that's how reading works in our culture), then reach the end of entry, scroll back up, find the beginning of the next entry, read it scrolling down... and so on.
Contrast this with previous state of things, when you could start reading the first entry from the top, and then just keep scrolling down until you reached the end of the last entry. This was MUCH better. Please consider restoring it, devs. EDIT: apparently, this only applies to old games started pre-patch. After starting a new game you can change the order of entries by clicking the 'User' button. I like that. I hope that one of future patches this will enable this function in the old save games as well.
2) Problem with editing: if your entry is long and takes up more than one 'page' of the journal, you can't edit the parts beyond the first page - the beginning of the entry is visible and you can tweak it, but when you try to scroll or use arrows to get to later part of the text, nothing happens. Or rather - the slider on the side shows that you're scrolling lower, but the visible part of text doesn't change, and the hidden part of text remains hidden. EDIT: the same happens when creating a new entry that is longer than journal page. After you hit the bottom of the page, you can no longer see what you're typing. There's also the same problem with autobiography.
3) BIG problem with editing: the editing doesn't take. I tried several times to edit an entry, and after I clicked 'Done', all the changes I made to the text were gone. I often go back to old entries, to fix typos, fix date&hour or just add some detail I forgot - now I can't do that and I froth at the mouth in frustration.
EDIT: Here's a strange thing - I just discovered that I can edit the game-generated entries in the 'journal' part of the journal with no problem, but the 'User' section remains edit-resistant. Curiouser and curiouser.
If the above could be fixed, I'd be a much happier player.
Post edited by Syntia13 on
2. Known bug, we really have to figure it out.
3. Didn't know about this - i guess you are the first to report.
Normally order is thus:
Entry 3
Entry 2
Entry 1
If I swap time ordering by clicking 'user'
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
However, if I add an entry while in 'oldest first' mode, this happens:
Entry 4
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Scrolling also doesn't work.
I loaded a saved game, clicking 'User' does nothing.
Also realized that you can't make entries longer than one 'journal page'. Or rather, you can, but after you reach the bottom of the page you can no longer see what you're typing, because the page doesn't scroll as you type.
I admit I'm upset, I'm in the middle of a run with a PC who habitually writes in his diary before going to sleep, writing at length of the events of the day, and then editing to fix typos or add something he thought of later. Now he feels handicapped and disinclined to go on.
Both ctrl-c and ctrl-v works.
Now while ingame, i can't scroll down to the end of the biography and edit it further. The slider has the same problem : seems to scroll lower but the visible part of the text dosen't change.
You may add your findings in that topic to improve the description and help it get noticed.
I also have a problem with the blinking red cursor location which doesn't match where it's actually writing. This happen when I'm editing somewhere at the end of the first paragraph in my screenshot.
Just checked it - yes, biography has the same problem. Out of curiosity I tried editing the visible part of text, and to my surprise they were saved after I hit 'Done'
Full of new hope that the issue fixed itself I went to journal, and discovered that I can edit the game-generated entries in the 'journal' part of the journal with no problem. Sadly, any changes done to my own entries in the 'User' section still disappear without a trace. What can be causing this inconsistency?