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Choices across games

DocGonoDocGono Member Posts: 2
I hope that the choices that I make in first game can be can influence the second, that would be more epic! :-)


  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited June 2012
    I', afraid this would only be feasible if BG:EE and BG2:EE were tied in a single game à la BGT: this way, figuratively speaking, BG2 could see what you did in BG and adjust things accordingly. It is true, however, that BG and BG2 take place in different places, and it is my understanding that there isn't much interest in the Sword Coast goings-on in Amn. It would feel a little forced if many people knew who you were and what you did before you even walked the streets of Amn after esacping Chateau Irenicus.
  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308
    edited June 2012
    I', afraid this would only be feasible if BG:EE and BG2:EE were tied in a single game à la BGT: this way, figuratively speaking, BG2 could see what you did in BG and adjust things accordingly. It is true, however, that BG and BG2 take place in different places, and it is my understanding that there isn't much interest in the Sword Coast goings-on in Amn. It would feel a little forced if many people knew who you were and what you did before you even walked the streets of Amn after esacping Chateau Irenicus.
    What if you kill a character, he's unavaiable in BG2?

    Things like that could do wonders.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @AndreaColombo i truly believe a history link betwen the passege from BG1 to BG2 is needed, and i agree with you about repercussion.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited June 2012
    What if you kill a character, he's unavaiable in BG2?

    Things like that could do wonders.
    I agree. No more awkward moments like "Didn't I kill you?!?" Yeah, that was awkward.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I think the awkward part is more that even if you imported a character from BG1 from a game where you didn't kill them that that option appeared.

    Still, this would definitely step on the toes of "not touching original content" if you want Jaheira/Minsc/Viconia/Edwin/Quayle/Montaron/Xzar/Garrick (did I miss anyone?) to stay dead.
  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    i truly believe a history link betwen the passege from BG1 to BG2 is needed,

    that would be rad.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    You forgot Eldoth and Skie, although they're not recruitable in BG2. ;)

    Maybe, though, there should be some kind of flag when the character is killed by the player (or by an enemy, or a trap) that makes that dialog option appear in BG2. There's certainly plenty of explanations for how a character could be resurrected between games, but as you said @Tanthalas, it's a little weird to be best buddies with Xzar in BG1 and then in BG2 be able to say "Didn't I kill you?"
  • KoreKore Member Posts: 245
    I think the awkward part is more that even if you imported a character from BG1 from a game where you didn't kill them that that option appeared.

    Still, this would definitely step on the toes of "not touching original content" if you want Jaheira/Minsc/Viconia/Edwin/Quayle/Montaron/Xzar/Garrick (did I miss anyone?) to stay dead.
    You forgot Eldoth and Skie, although they're not recruitable in BG2. ;)

    Maybe, though, there should be some kind of flag when the character is killed by the player (or by an enemy, or a trap) that makes that dialog option appear in BG2. There's certainly plenty of explanations for how a character could be resurrected between games, but as you said @Tanthalas, it's a little weird to be best buddies with Xzar in BG1 and then in BG2 be able to say "Didn't I kill you?"
    I think you mean Coran and Safana. On this note, it's entirely possible that Imoem could be dead by this point, possibly even by your hand. This would make the BG2 storyline a bit awkward if there is no Imoem...
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I think you mean Coran and Safana. On this note, it's entirely possible that Imoem could be dead by this point, possibly even by your hand. This would make the BG2 storyline a bit awkward if there is no Imoem...

    ...Yes, them.

    Of course, I never used either of them. I always used Safana's portrait with my female characters, and by the time I encountered them, I had my iconic party set in stone.
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