Is the EE edition getting enhanced AI?

Problem I have with EE in general, is that its probably not bringing all my mods and options I love so deeply now. My experience is EXTREMELY customized.
However, most of it is superficial and I can live without.
The AI, however, isn't. I can't find anything. I'm used to SCS's AI mostly. Basically, just a refined artificial intelligence, something that uses spells with a bit more thought, enemies chooses their target more carefully (don't follow the SAME guy forever, etc).
Just an overhaul of their behavior goes a long way, because the default behaviors were really really dumb.
So, is EE getting those (imo) crucial AI changes? I could not find info on this.
However, most of it is superficial and I can live without.
The AI, however, isn't. I can't find anything. I'm used to SCS's AI mostly. Basically, just a refined artificial intelligence, something that uses spells with a bit more thought, enemies chooses their target more carefully (don't follow the SAME guy forever, etc).
Just an overhaul of their behavior goes a long way, because the default behaviors were really really dumb.
So, is EE getting those (imo) crucial AI changes? I could not find info on this.
Also some of the encounters are really poorly designed. Pitting 1 guy against a group of 6, happens pretty often. Then again those characters might be just suicidal and/or delusional, maybe that could explain it
So... yes, I hope they'd revamp the AI and maybe even some encounters, but I doubt it will happen. Enemy mages having access to stoneskin will be good, however.
The game should be moddable though, so it doesn't REALLY matter that much. Hopefully.
Part of the reason for that is my refusal to memorize scripts and item locations. I have no idea how to find the "Holy Ring of Helm +5" or whatever, that you need to own Kangax and Draconis or whomever, unless I stumble upon it in game, or the exact spells to cast and the exact placement of snares to make Irenicus die as soon as he finishes his speech. That keeps the game fresh and interesting to me.
I also like roleplaying and enjoying the different party combinations, and I still have ideas I want to try out with parties, even after all these years.
I tried SCS once and hated it. Absolutely. Hated. It.
So, I wouldn't object to a reworked AI that is capable of some more intelligent decision making, but only if it is worked into a difficulty slider that makes it absolutely optional.
Yes, the game is hard, but its also HIGHLY abusable. AI tweaks I'm thinking off would have more effects on smaller fights than the bigger ones. I'd see nothing wrong though, to have the AI tweaks an option.
You're right though, if this game is as moddable as the original, I'd expect mods to make their ways here as well.
I understand you can "turn up the difficulty" but I don't wish to take "double damage" or have any other detrimental effect enforced upon my characters.
And for the difficulty in general I'd like it unhardcoded (if it is), maybe each difficulty having a separate editable .ini file hidden somewhere (no gui work :P) or a separately selectable/editable "custom" difficulty?
We already have some extremely well executed tactical mods with SCS and SCS II, and Ascension/WeiDU. I think what we need is an official mod manager function that makes mod installation easier and, if possible, standardizes compatibility.
*quaffs a potion*
BGEE is sad news therefore, for orphan mods (mods with no more modders around being updated). But SCS is an active mod, so very likely we'll see that one updated for BGEE. I don't know how long it'll take though. I hope quickly, but I guess improving BGEE's AI is much more work for the modders than a simple adding of dialogue like with NPC1Project.
Good news is, orphan mods sometimes find a stepmother. I read for instance, The Bigg is keeping WeiDu updated, when Wesley Weimer left the modding community to give all his attention to his professor-ship.
This is good news, hopefully SCS will be available relatively soon upon BGEE's release..otherwise I might have to delay myself from playing the game
Oh sorry I completely forgot you already mentioned this in other thread:
"I tentatively expect to have a working beta of SCS very quickly indeed after WEIDU becomes compatible with BG:EE. The caveats are (i) that I'm not failing to anticipate some major under-the-hood restructuring of BG; (ii) that I get my intended new version of SCS done in time for the BG:EE release."