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[Bugfix] Durlag's Tower Level 3 - No teleportation to Chess room

nulspacenulspace Member Posts: 100
edited November 2012 in Original BG1 Bugs

Occasionally (as confirmed by various other forums) killing all the unique enemies in the four challenge rooms (Fire, Swamp, Rock/Air?, Ice) does not teleport CHARNAME & party to the chess room. Loading the autosave at the beginning of the floor can sometimes fix this. I believe it has to do with the unique properties of the enemies (i.e. in the Fire room, enemies spawning each time the woman fires an arrow/fireball).


Once all unique enemies are killed in the four challenge rooms, CHARNAME & party are automically teleported to Chess room on the far end of the chess board.
Post edited by Balquo on


  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    This may have something to do with the Air room. Once I had this, and I swear I walked visibly through all the rooms, sure I was missing some enemy somewhere. Nothing. Then at one point I tried the Air room again, and here came the invisible air menace dude to come get his smackdown at last. I admit that may have just been me being less thorough than I thought I was, but it may also have been my thoroughness finally managing to dislodge and trigger the boss monster: maybe it's possible that the invisible air menace dude is spawned in such a way as to trap them. I had no way to purge invisibility at the time, so... Or did I start casting Fireballs around the room? Damn, happened only once so long ago...

    Or it could be the fire room... *shrugs* If it's not the fire room problem, check the air next. :-)
  • nulspacenulspace Member Posts: 100
    Yeah, from what I read on various forums, there seemed to be a problem stemming from one of the three unique enemies in the Air/Swamp/Fire rooms (invisible stalkers, multiplying slime, spawning fire assholes, respectively).

    Since the programming for each encounter was unique to an extent, it introduced some unintentional bugs (from my basic understanding).
  • wendigowendigo Member Posts: 46

    Occasionally (as confirmed by various other forums) killing all the unique enemies in the four challenge rooms (Fire, Swamp, Rock/Air?, Ice) does not teleport CHARNAME & party to the chess room. Loading the autosave at the beginning of the floor can sometimes fix this. I believe it has to do with the unique properties of the enemies (i.e. in the Fire room, enemies spawning each time the woman fires an arrow/fireball).


    Once all unique enemies are killed in the four challenge rooms, CHARNAME & party are automically teleported to Chess room on the far end of the chess board.
    I have the same problem once, in the past
  • kiaikiai Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2012
    I had the Problem the last time I played trough bg1, it was no vanilla version, but a modded big world project version.
    For me the problem was the Slime in the Swamp room. It normally needs to be killed with Fire or Ice, I don't remember which one was needed.
    There is also a Flag showing if killed correctly and only if this is active you will be ported.
    So perhaps it shouldn't be needed to kill it in this way, or it should always respawn if not killed correctly.
  • nulspacenulspace Member Posts: 100
    That's probably what the problem was - I definitely didn't kill him with fire/ice.
  • James_MJames_M Member Posts: 145
    Behavior could be changed to: no one gets teleported until all the enemies are killed. I once missed the invisible stalkers (only) and only 4 party members out of six were teleported after we killed the phoenix guards. I re-loaded and luckily "bumped into" the invisible stalkers so the party was teleported correctly.

    OR: get rid of the invisible stalkers from the Air room.
  • thenethene Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2012
    I'm writing this from memory as I've not been able to replay BG in quite some time (my current laptop has no CD drive), but I recall frequently having to reload because my party had not been teleported to the chessboard as they should have been, even after hacking my way through all four of the third-level elemental areas and killing every Phoenix Guard. In my later playthroughs I took to just killing one Phoenix Guard and then reloading if I wasn't instantly transported to the chessboard. Has this been fixed?
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    This is on the bugtracker (#892) but apparently cannot be reproduced. If anyone has a save game demonstrating the issue please upload it somewhere (mediafire) and tag a developer, probably ScottBrooks.
  • nulspacenulspace Member Posts: 100
    just checked my legacy BG2 install and I don't have one. Sorry :(
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    I think @Cheesebelly does.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I have a savegame before I fight the final aspect. I do not know how it will work for other people, but I might as well try it out again and see if I can reproduce the entire thing and make the savegame available.

    I still think that if each aspect dropped one gem of sorts and if the game checked for those, it would have been a far better solution, but still, that's just my point of view. If you can, let me know :)
  • PrecnetPrecnet Member Posts: 1
    Any news? The same problem here... :(
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @Wabash - Are you playing with the SCS mod installed?
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    This is (was?) a known bug in SCS, which you appear to have installed.
  • WabashWabash Member Posts: 21
    Yes, i was playing with SCS
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    As @Ardanis said, this is a known SCS bug. It might in fact have been fixed in one of the mod's most recent releases—are you sure you're playing the latest and greatest build?
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    I must confirm this bug still exist. I play SCS 28v. It's propably cause i didnt kill slime with fire so it didnt split.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
  • DavidWDavidW Member Posts: 823
    No, this one got missed, sorry. Still extant as of v28. I would have fixed it, but these pesky undergraduates do insist on being taught things... Next weekend possibly.
  • DalrykDalryk Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2014
    Just had this problem (with SCS installed). Using the above CLUA command fixed it though - as soon as I walked back into one of the element rooms I was teleported.
  • MorkFromOrkMorkFromOrk Member Posts: 1
    I added the console command, then killed the slime with fire only. All other enemies dead. Still haven't transported. Any suggestions? ty
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