Buy once, play everywhere?

Hi! I'm excited about BGEE, but I have to admit, as a person with multiple machines, devices, OS's, etc., I'm pretty tired of platform fragmentation. Steam has it right: buy once, play everywhere.
Will BGEE be "buy once, play everywhere?" If it is, then I'll pre-order a copy. If not, I'll have to wait and see if the Windows version works perfectly with Wine ( If that doesn't even work, well... I suppose I'll stick with the Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod + widescreen mod. :^)
OK, for those who don't know, "buy once, play everywhere" means that when I purchase the game I'm purchasing the right to download and play every "version" of that game for each platform. So, my $20 would allow me to download the PC version, the Mac version, the iPad version, and the Android version -- all for $20 and no more than that.
The alternative (i.e,. NOT "buy once, play everywhere") is that even if I buy the Windows version, I have to shell out an additional $20 to download the Mac version, etc.
Steam does this. For example: I bought Tales of Monkey Island on Steam. I can play it on my Mac. I can play it on my Windows PC. I didn't have to buy it twice.
Will BGEE be "buy once, play everywhere?" If it is, then I'll pre-order a copy. If not, I'll have to wait and see if the Windows version works perfectly with Wine ( If that doesn't even work, well... I suppose I'll stick with the Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod + widescreen mod. :^)
OK, for those who don't know, "buy once, play everywhere" means that when I purchase the game I'm purchasing the right to download and play every "version" of that game for each platform. So, my $20 would allow me to download the PC version, the Mac version, the iPad version, and the Android version -- all for $20 and no more than that.
The alternative (i.e,. NOT "buy once, play everywhere") is that even if I buy the Windows version, I have to shell out an additional $20 to download the Mac version, etc.
Steam does this. For example: I bought Tales of Monkey Island on Steam. I can play it on my Mac. I can play it on my Windows PC. I didn't have to buy it twice.
What do you mean about buy once, play everywhere? If you mean buy the PC version and be able to play that on a Mac, iOS or Android, I don't think that's going to happen.
I think I did see a topic where PhillipDaigle said that BGEE will probably work fine with Wine.
Different eco systems, different rules.
The way I see it is if you buy iOS version your paying for the time that it took to develop that port of the game.
Then if you want it on PC then you'll be paying for the time it took them to get it working properly on that platform.
In my opinion it's simply selfish to want to instantly get it on all platforms when developers have to spend a lot of time making sure it works on each platform.
For example I would personally love it if Beamdog gave me a code to unlock all in app purchases for the iPad version when I also buy the PC version. Therefore I'd be paying a total of $30 (as opposed to $40) for complete versions of the game on both platforms.
Though I do agree buying DLC for multiple platforms is wrong to an extent.
If the game were to eventually appear on Steam, it would have to be SteamPlay (PC & Mac) per Valve's rules. (Beamdog could not sell separate versions). But there's no way you'll ever be paying once to get every version.
I can quite easily load up my existing BG1+2 copies on Mac for free via Wine, add in mods that get me pretty close to the BGEE experience, and in the process keep my $20. If and when people confirm that the Windows version of BGEE works with Wine maybe then I'll purchase. But in my opinion Steam (and others) have changed the rules with PC gaming. Buy once, play everywhere. I now refuse to pay twice for the same content and I expect it to work on both of my preferred platforms. That's how I choose to spend my money. If you make different choices, good for you.
Probably not the definitive answer that you want but...
Also, I'm not "angry." Just resolute. If the Windows version runs well via Wine, I'll buy the Windows version and I'll be happy. If it doesn't, I'll stick with my existing copies of BG1+BG2.
You only need to buy it once and can then install it as many times as you'd like.
Thanks! I'm use to old fashioned discs for installing games. Never downloaded one.
source : twitter quote from trent oster regarding multiple installs, therefore I'm assuming each install will require one authentication check
"You can copy the files over to a new computer and then run the updater and it will activate the version".
Bottom line, they will be unable to do this for iOS versions, it would never be worth the invenstment required to make it work, and they would also have to contend with Apple changing the rules all the time. I speak from experience. It's not worth it for them to do so.