New subraces
Did anyone notice that?
Baldur's Gate 2 Features
All of the additions and improvements from Baldur's Gate 2: The Shadows of Amn have been brought to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Now you can use class kits, new subraces and classes that were previously unavailable.
You think it refers to the BG2 "Half-Orcs", or say more like something new e.g. "Svirfnebli" or "Tiefling" etc. ?
Baldur's Gate 2 Features
All of the additions and improvements from Baldur's Gate 2: The Shadows of Amn have been brought to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Now you can use class kits, new subraces and classes that were previously unavailable.
You think it refers to the BG2 "Half-Orcs", or say more like something new e.g. "Svirfnebli" or "Tiefling" etc. ?
Although it could be at least cool to pick the race's name (similar to Neverwinter Nights, where you can call your race "Hard Rock" and your deity "Heavy Metal" XD )