@darkravenrising That's not going to pick up much traction with this crowd. For one thing Atari is in charge of handling the Steam release and they are in limbo. For two... Baldur's Gate represents a generation of games where we didn't feel there needed to be any achievements. A game like pinball or Pac-Man had a high score board perhaps, but an RPG like Baldur's Gate has all of the achievement built into the act of playing the game. If you get into roleplaying the character, you will feel plenty of achievement.
It might be difficult to understand if you're used to games that use an achievement system to make the player feel rewarded, I'm not sure what background you have with gaming. You have to decide for yourself if killing Driz'zt feels like an achievement or whether it gives you a hollow feeling. People around here are likely to say that you don't need a little badge to inform you that defeating Sarevok is an accomplishment because it will be obvious.
If you're trying to impress other Steam users I think the "Hours Played" will probably suffice. In any case I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on achievements for any version of Baldur's Gate.
Achievements annoy me. At best they're a pointless addition to a game that didn't need them. At worse they disrupt your suspension of disbelief and ruin what should have been a memorable moment.
They're one of the many reasons I try to avoid Steam.
I know it's cool to hate achievements, but I personally like them and would like to see them added for BGEE and BG2EE. They should start with adding profile icon for BGEE though!
Nice as an extra, but very optional. If implemented it should be to encourage players to replay the game in a different way to get better value for money rather than 'just because'.
Even if it's not integrated with or exclusive to Steam, some kind of achievement system would be neat. They definitely enhance replay value for me as long as they're not silly (for example some games have achievements for never getting hit, or fully upgrading some useless doodad, that are exercises in tedium.) I personally like games that give an in-game reward for getting achievements, but I can see that these could be unbalancing or break immersion.
It might be difficult to understand if you're used to games that use an achievement system to make the player feel rewarded, I'm not sure what background you have with gaming. You have to decide for yourself if killing Driz'zt feels like an achievement or whether it gives you a hollow feeling. People around here are likely to say that you don't need a little badge to inform you that defeating Sarevok is an accomplishment because it will be obvious.
If you're trying to impress other Steam users I think the "Hours Played" will probably suffice. In any case I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on achievements for any version of Baldur's Gate.
They're one of the many reasons I try to avoid Steam.
Also repeat of (http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/384135/#Comment_384135).