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Evil teammate while playing good. How do you do it?

I've never really done it for any length of time, but I'd like to give Hexxat a try in BG2:EE. Don't they leave when your Reputation starts to climb? That seems pretty restrictive, given the number of good quests that come with a Reputation boost.


  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180
    That's why if you really want to have that evil alligned NPC in your good group, try to keep your reputation at a happy medium, that way neither the good or evil people leave. Can be a pain, I know, I've done it lol
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Evil NPCs leave if your rep hits 19. As long as you stay at 18, they will complain but not leave.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Just stay in the 15-17 range. It's not that tough, because there aren't a ton of quests that increase rep in BG2, as far as I can remember.
  • DrayenDrayen Member Posts: 127
    Evil characters leave at 18+ rep, you can turn into the slayer to lower your rep if you get too high... however this won't stop them from fighting against good-aligned NPCs. Evil NPCs won't necessairly fight against good npcs depending who it is though. For exemple, Viconia gets along with Minsc, but not Aerie. Sarevok gets along with everyone.

    There are mods that prevent npcs from fighting against eachother or leaving your party thou, i like those since you can make your perfect groups, or it allows you to see more of the inter-npc banter without breaking your group.
  • TheGreatKhanTheGreatKhan Member Posts: 106
    19 rep is the magic number for this. You breach it and your party immediately abandons you. It's actually pretty easy to make sure you don't reach this. You can always steal something to lose a point and just run away.

    In fact I usually try to stay between 16 and 18 even with an evil aligned party. Lower reputation games simply aren't scaled correctly IMO. In my current game I managed to roll a 98 as a Blackguard so I figured it would be fun to try a 1 reputation game. Basically I can't buy anything because everything is about 100k gold or more in some cases and every time I enter a city I'm fighting guards and having bounty hunters approach me. It is a bit of a challenge though.
  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180

    19 rep is the magic number for this. You breach it and your party immediately abandons you. It's actually pretty easy to make sure you don't reach this. You can always steal something to lose a point and just run away.

    In fact I usually try to stay between 16 and 18 even with an evil aligned party. Lower reputation games simply aren't scaled correctly IMO. In my current game I managed to roll a 98 as a Blackguard so I figured it would be fun to try a 1 reputation game. Basically I can't buy anything because everything is about 100k gold or more in some cases and every time I enter a city I'm fighting guards and having bounty hunters approach me. It is a bit of a challenge though.

    See, there should be an evil reputation feature that sort of gets you the same benefits as having a heroic reputation, except you just get it through different means, like instead of you getting discounts and special treatment because of your heroic rep, you get the same treatment with a low rep because everybody is scared of you and you intimidate storekeepers. Same end, just different means
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    edited November 2013
    Jeivar said:

    See, there should be an evil reputation feature that sort of gets you the same benefits as having a heroic reputation, except you just get it through different means, like instead of you getting discounts and special treatment because of your heroic rep, you get the same treatment with a low rep because everybody is scared of you and you intimidate storekeepers. Same end, just different means

    I think it makes perfect sense that acting like an evil dick makes life hard for the PC.
    I don't see why. It doesn't seem to make life hard for Renal Bloodscalp, Aran Linvail, Sarevok, The Five, or virtually any villain besides Irenicus.
  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180
    edited November 2013
    I agree, I'm not saying everything should be handed to you, there should be some hurdles for evil parties that good parties don't necesarily get, but as it is, It seems like being evil was kind of an afterthought way back in the 90's when the game first dropped, as the game is definitly tailored towards being good, and there's not much benefit at all to being evil gamewise
  • FelspawnFelspawn Member Posts: 161
    i've been working on this myself, my Blade is Chaotic neutral and tends to be a nice guy (if for no other reason then hes being paided to be, and a charasmatic nature fits the bard role) having said that i'm still running up against the reputation line. Given the game doesnt give you a lot of ways to lower reputation i chose to kill a solitary NPC that had some loot my party really wanted. Sure it was a large hit to the reputation but it'll bounce back before the game ends and keep Dorn and Viconia happy
  • Jeivar said:

    See, there should be an evil reputation feature that sort of gets you the same benefits as having a heroic reputation, except you just get it through different means, like instead of you getting discounts and special treatment because of your heroic rep, you get the same treatment with a low rep because everybody is scared of you and you intimidate storekeepers. Same end, just different means

    I think it makes perfect sense that acting like an evil dick makes life hard for the PC.
    I don't see why. It doesn't seem to make like hard for Renal Bloodscalp, Aran Linvail, Sarevok, The Five, or virtually any villain besides Irenicus.
    Point. Although many of these villains have good PR, such as Sarevok, who pours rivers of gold into the city (+Rep donations) and takes steps to "protect" the people of Baldur's Gate from the oncoming Amnish invasion. Others have essentially incorporated and built an organization around them which lets them get a lot of things done through proxies and layers of deniability. Renal Bloodscalp would probably run into problems if he tried to waltz into the Adventurer's Mart and buy something personally, but he can stay in the guild hall and send someone to make the purchase in his stead.

    What would be interesting is if you could set up aliases with different reputation levels to handle different aspects of your business, ala the Grey Fox from Oblivion.
  • HandofTyrHandofTyr Member Posts: 106
    At least with regard to merchants, you'd think they'd let you basically have whatever you wanted once you cut through the entire town militia/army/random guys on the map that weren't even in the way to get to their shop. Or in the fairly common case of adventurer turned magical item merchant try to fight you, leaving you to take your pick of their wares as their widows lament.

    Given the assumption that most merchants are out for themselves, it seems more likely they'd offer discounts to the person likely to do some hurt over the goody-two-shoes protector of orphans.
  • velehalvelehal Member Posts: 299
    I just install BG2 Tweak, parts: Happy Patch - NPCs get angry, but never leave and Remove the effect of reputation on storekeepers. The whole reputation system and store discount don´t make much sense.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    If the OP is looking for an RP way to handle things to keep rep lower, without having their 'Good' PC/NPCs doing evil things, simply have Hexxat go out and do stuff on her own that will ultimately lower the party rep. That way from an RP perspective, things are fine. Remember, you are dealing with 6 individuals, not charname and 5 clones.

    as far as the argument about low rep being harder to play (higher prices, less rewards) the original system was implemented when D&D was still suffering the low rep anyway. The creators wanted an 'Evil' path, but also didn't want to be seen as promoting that or in any way making it look like theft and murder were positive life style choices. Hence we got the broken system we did.

    For me, if some REP 3 party of adventurers came in my shop, blood still dripping off of their various implements of death, they would immediately get the highest discount in the house, just so they wouldn't kill me and take it for free. Think frontier west style where the sheriff only has so many bullets and isn't likely to stand up against the James Gang unless he gets a Whole lot more help.

    On the other hand, If I had my way, there would be other types of benefits (and penalties) for playing bad. I am not sure 'Separate but equal' would be quite the way to go, but if your rep were too high, I think there would be people who wouldn't talk to you at all. And there should be a black market that sells stuff only to those of like mind. And there should be more quests of the evilly aligned type. If I had my way.
  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180

    If the OP is looking for an RP way to handle things to keep rep lower, without having their 'Good' PC/NPCs doing evil things, simply have Hexxat go out and do stuff on her own that will ultimately lower the party rep. That way from an RP perspective, things are fine. Remember, you are dealing with 6 individuals, not charname and 5 clones.

    as far as the argument about low rep being harder to play (higher prices, less rewards) the original system was implemented when D&D was still suffering the low rep anyway. The creators wanted an 'Evil' path, but also didn't want to be seen as promoting that or in any way making it look like theft and murder were positive life style choices. Hence we got the broken system we did.

    For me, if some REP 3 party of adventurers came in my shop, blood still dripping off of their various implements of death, they would immediately get the highest discount in the house, just so they wouldn't kill me and take it for free. Think frontier west style where the sheriff only has so many bullets and isn't likely to stand up against the James Gang unless he gets a Whole lot more help.

    On the other hand, If I had my way, there would be other types of benefits (and penalties) for playing bad. I am not sure 'Separate but equal' would be quite the way to go, but if your rep were too high, I think there would be people who wouldn't talk to you at all. And there should be a black market that sells stuff only to those of like mind. And there should be more quests of the evilly aligned type. If I had my way.

    This is pretty much what I had in mind, @the_spyder just worded it much better lol
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Viconia is handy for keeping your reputation in check. Dump her from party just before gaining 19 or 20 rep and then re-invite her which will lower it by 2 points again.
  • FelspawnFelspawn Member Posts: 161

    Viconia is handy for keeping your reputation in check. Dump her from party just before gaining 19 or 20 rep and then re-invite her which will lower it by 2 points again.

    that doesnt work anymore, when i drop her i automatically regain those lost 2 rep points.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Felspawn said:

    that doesnt work anymore, when i drop her i automatically regain those lost 2 rep points.

    No? Dumping her at 18 cause you to climb to 20 yes. But since the cap is at 20, your quest turnin won't nudge it further up, thus it will lower to 18 when re-recruiting her... or did they change it to a one-time thing like with Dorn?
  • FelspawnFelspawn Member Posts: 161
    i guess it would work in that sense but as soon as she leaves, that 20 will cause Dorn to leave too, becomes a hassle. i found it better to just find some poor sod that had something i wanted and killing him
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    edited November 2013
    In my opinion the best and simplest solution is to edit happy.2da (or install the component of the tweaks mod that does it for you) so that NPC:s don't leave based on reputation.

    Apart from negating the issue of coming up with contrived actions to control your reputation, I also feel this is a very RP-friendly (perhaps the friendliest even) option, especially when it comes to evil NPC:s joining up with a good PC.

    Consider someone like Edwin who desires power above pretty much everything else: left to his own devices he ends up as a middle man under Mae'var in Athkatla ordering minor assassinations and thefts. Following the PC on the other hand he'll defeat demi-liches and dragons, go to the Nine Hells and back, raid Watcher's Keep, obtain items of incredible power and become one of the most powerful mages in existence. I'm pretty sure he can stomach some goodness in order to achieve his destiny.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    Viconia is handy for keeping your reputation in check. Dump her from party just before gaining 19 or 20 rep and then re-invite her which will lower it by 2 points again.

    This only worked in BG1 IIRC. In BG2, your rep would lower any time that you invited her into your party, but you would regain those points each time that you dismissed her.
  • Time4TiddyTime4Tiddy Member Posts: 262
    If you have an evil party member, it's probably easiest to have a thief (of any alignment) accidentally get caught thieving (checking inside a locked chest, pickpocketing, etc.) - a thief like Alora wouldn't be able to resist cracking a lock, and Safana would steal in plain view thinking she could flirt her way out of it. Skie would probably think she owned it anyway.

    Once the guards are called, and your bribe attempt fails, your evil party member can kill one of the guards while the rest of you are fleeing. It was for the good of the group, they'll say. The guard was attacking us, they'll say. I was just trying to slow them down enough for us to escape, they'll say - while actually relishing the fact that they were able to commit murder with "just cause".

    It's fun to hear them voice their "happy" line for a change. :)

    Now your rep is down to 9, and you can keep questing. This is my "RP" way to keep rep in the middle. Way too many quests in BG that raise rep, almost none that lower it without someone innocent dying. Just make sure you don't kill BOTH summoned guards or you'll end up with a rep of 3 or 4.

    In BG2 it gets much easier - as others have noted, there are far fewer quests that give Rep boosts, if you pick up Viconia (and keep her) you can get through basically all the Chapter 2 quests before you have to worry about hitting 19.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    The Slayer is the best Rep control device of all. Get your rep to 18, have your evil members bitch and whine.

    Then go shopping, buy everything you'll ever need. Then find a secluded spot and quickly slayer-change once or twice. Et Viola - instant rep loss.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Jump on my sword while you can, evil, I wont be as gentle!
  • WittandWittand Member Posts: 54
    The answer is simple. Shadowkeeper.
    Either set the aligment of the partymembers to whatever-neutral, or lower your reputation to15 everytime it climbs too high.
  • DoumanDouman Member Posts: 10
    Dont play good. It's lame anyway
  • Rep is lame, they should make a mod that sets rep to 10 period.
  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552
    The real question is: why would you play good if evil is so much more fun? ^^
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