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I may have locked myself out of the Durlag's Tower dungeon levels

I did the first basement level of Durlag's Tower a while back and found all the things needed to open the dungeon levels, but I didn't do them. Now I'm back at the tower but the door is locked and there's one phantom dwarf left who says I don't have what he needs. It's the one at the south east corner. I thought I already opened the trapdoor and cant' remember what I might have done with the quest item he wants.
Can I cheat it into my inventory somehow?


  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    You can always use eekeeper or shadow keeper to put what you need in your inventory. But it may sound like you still need to solve the puzzle. Each dwarf is asking you to to do something.
  • JeivarJeivar Member Posts: 53

    You can always use eekeeper or shadow keeper to put what you need in your inventory. But it may sound like you still need to solve the puzzle. Each dwarf is asking you to to do something.

    I don't know what eekeeper or shadow keeper are. And I don't QUITE remember what I did before leaving the tower, but I'm pretty confident I did solve the puzzle, or at least find the item needed. I just seems to have left it behind somewhere.
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    I'd say the more likely explanation is that you simply haven't done one of the tasks.
  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    If you have solved all the puzzles, then after returning proper items to the phantoms, you'd be attacked by them, and had to kill them in a rather though battle. Did that happen?
    If not, you still have one more riddle to solve. The last phantom is 'love', - the one who wants a bottle of wine. (He should tell you so after saying you don't have what he needs). You have to use a wine press and grapes found on this level to make a bottle of wine and give it to him.

    If you've already killed the phantoms, then it's a bug. The only advice I can give you is, try to pickpocket him for wine and give it to him again.

    And for future reference, EEkeeper is a program that lets you easily edit your saved games. Just search this board for a thread about it.
    Other way to cheat is using CluaConsole to teleport one level lower. (again, search the forum for further information on how to activate and use the console).
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