5th level high enough to approach Durlags Tower?
I heard this dungeon is pretty tough to tackle, like most players explore it round chapter 7. I'm still at chapter two but I have a pretty descent party, all equipped with enhanced items and what not, imoen can boost her open locks and find traps to like 80 with potions. Thoughts?
Combat-wise, level 5 is on the low end, but that will simply make it challenging, not impossible.
You can clean the upper floors and the like, just don't go too deep without a lvl 6-7 party with good potions/wands/weapons.
I'm going to list all the potions, in case you overlooked one -
Potion of Master Thievery: +40% Open Locks
Potion of Perception: +20% Open Locks, +20% Find Traps
Potion of Power: +20% Open Locks, +20% Find Traps
Explanation of where to find a Potion of Power:
Potion of Mind Focusing: +3 Dexterity translates to +15% Open Locks, +15% Find Traps
Regarding an item found in Durlag's Tower: