Beamdog client vs. Steam?

Hi everyone, longtime lurker here. I'm stepping out of the shadows and moving un-silently to ask a question I haven't seen addressed elsewhere.
What is the difference between the Steam and Beamdog versions of the game in terms of economic impact to the developer? Do they receive less money if I buy through Steam and thus give Valve some portion of the sale? I'd rather support the BGEE team than Valve, but I also would love to have the Steam overlay available in game so I can chat with friends.
Will there be a Steam key made available to those who purchase through Beamdog, or vice versa? (AFAIK this never happened for BGEE because of issues with Atari.)
Last question, unrelated to clients: have we seen Hexxat's stat block anywhere?
Here's to a night of debauchery and destruction on Nov. 15th!
What is the difference between the Steam and Beamdog versions of the game in terms of economic impact to the developer? Do they receive less money if I buy through Steam and thus give Valve some portion of the sale? I'd rather support the BGEE team than Valve, but I also would love to have the Steam overlay available in game so I can chat with friends.
Will there be a Steam key made available to those who purchase through Beamdog, or vice versa? (AFAIK this never happened for BGEE because of issues with Atari.)
Last question, unrelated to clients: have we seen Hexxat's stat block anywhere?
Here's to a night of debauchery and destruction on Nov. 15th!
Even if you don't care about supporting them so much, by getting the Beamdog version you'll get each patch immediately on release. The steam version has to go through Atari, and then through Steam, so there's always a delay. While I certainly would have gone Steam if I didn't know any better, I'm glad I went Beamdog.
As far as I know there wont be a Steam Key. And Hexxat they're being tight lipped about until after release. So no info on her other than being a Pure Thief (and female)
Unknown about steam keys. Probably not?
As if now we have no idea what Hexxat's stats are, or any other abilities she might possess.
Though, it is tempting to grab BG2EE that way, too, I feel like we should support the developers as much as possible instead throw money to the festering undead juggernaut that is Atari. i.e. : buy through Beamdog not Steam -- this is despite my having a well-used and satisfactory Steam account.
$25 is not much money and I already bought BG/BG2 about 4 times each over the years. I can afford one more copy (*after* it is verified to be bug-free and SCS-compatible...
The best solution would be if Beamdog purchases received Steam keys: i.e. money goes to Beamdog, but I retain the Steam access as a distribution alternative. Not sure if this is legally possible.
In practise, assuming their contract as a shop is similar to Valve, buying from Beamdog would mean for them that they get more than two times what they get when you buy from Steam.
In this condition, unless Steam gives them lots of free Steam keys, buying keys from Steam in order to give them to the customers who bought the game from Beamdog and want a Steam key would mean reducing their income from their own sales by half. I believe Steam keys giveaway is never going to happen.
Yo dawg...
I'll definitely get the game through Beamdog, then - I've been very happy with the Beamdog client for BGEE, and I want to support the devs as much as I can!
A few people have mentioned launching BGEE in Steam as a non-steam game - I've tried this but I can't get the overlay to work within the game. I think this is because it has to go through the launcher before actually starting the game. Has anyone found a workaround for this?
Too bad we haven't seen Hexxat yet - I'm excited for an evil playthrough with my NE Sorcerer, and unless Hexxat is awful she's going to be my thief. Me, Edwin, Korgan, Viconia, Hexxat, and Dorn/Sarevok...Drizzt and friends won't know what hit them.
That being said, I am extremely un-enthusiastic about the Beamdog client. Not with the client as such, but the fact that I'm sick of having one download client for every game publisher in existence (Steam, Origin, Uplay, GOG, and so on). I'll be going with the direct download for BG2, just as I did with BG1. As long as doing that is an option, I'll be happy to give Beamdog my money without any third parties.
Get the Beamdog version.
There is no difference mod-wise between the Steam and Beamdog version, apart from the location of the main game folder. In both cases you just have to install mods where chitin.key is.
That being said, you can always just turn down your UAC settings. You can also create additional installation locations with Steam, and then just choose to install BG:EE in one that's not in Program Files.
For BGEE/BG2EE I deliberately chose not to, because apparently ATARI controls the Steam distribution.
ATARI is bad. I'd rather deal with Asmodeus or Bhaal himself.
Buy it from Beamdog instead and support the devs!
In my case, the path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766 (default). However, I have UAC disabled and weidu.exe and all the setup-namemod.exe set to run as administrator.