What's your favorite place?

Baldur's Gate and its sequel contain a myriad of locations, from bustling cities to distant wilderness to entirely different planes of existence. I'm interested in hearing what your favorite place in the Baldur's Gate saga is.
In BG2, the underdark, the pirate island and anywhere I can fight vampires.
BG2: Ust Natha for sure. Forced to infiltrate a completely alien culture and getting involved in political intrigues I(my character) barely understand? Brilliant.
It just has such a great atmosphere.
BG 2... The underwater city just prior to the Underdark
BG2 - The Underdark, Ust Natha and Suldanesselar
In BGI the Cloakwood was spooky and difficult the first time play through. Those sword spiders and poison were wicked. It was genuinely tough to make it through. The Friendly Arm Inn was a great refuge. Favorite town would be Berghost, it had a bit of everything.
I'd say BG I needs some new wilderness areas, there is still empty space on the map!
BG2: The druid grove is groovy and the music is soothing. And for awesomeness I'll go with the big ol' expansion dungeon once more: watcher's keep.
Torment: Had to add this, since the game has so many awesome environs like the civic festhall of the sensates, the brothel of slating intellectual lust (I heart Luis the wooden pervert), the Godsmen's foundry etc. fantastic ambiance of almost every area of the game really...
but for bg2 I always loved trademeet
BG2: Brynnlaw *hums tune*
BG2 - Temple Ruins before you clear out the Shade Lord
BG2: I really liked the pirate island, but I haven't played BG2 (I prefer BG) enough to get a good grasp on locations
BG2: Favorite place by far is the docks.
BG2: The Ducal Palace where you have the tutorial, as it reminds me of my wonder at playing BG for the first time. After that I'd say Ust Natha for similar reasons.
Bg 2: Docks
If this was a PnP game, I'd clear out all the bad guys and raise my flag at the top floor. MY tower! It was so awesome.
BG2: Trademeet because it's a pretty big town and you can have your statue erected there.