Crash upon entering Bridge area right outside Baldur's Gate

Everytime I attempt to enter the bridge area outside Baldur's Gate, my game just stalls for a second and crashes. It makes some kind of dump file in the crash folder which I'll attach to this post. Now I've heard of people having problems and crashes upon transitioning before and was hoping this will be a quick and easy fix and I can continue on with my game. Just because I was curious, I tried using the CLUA Console to teleport myself to the area, same crash. Next I tried using CLUA to put myself inside Tenya's house (which is on that map) and the game worked fine while I was inside the house, but the moment I set foot into the outside area, same crash. I have started a help ticket for this through Beamdog support also. Hope the info I've provided will help figure this out. So anyone know what the problem could be? @Dee or any other Mod or Dev know what's going on?
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