Character Transfer

Ok, so I started up BG2:EE and noticed I didn't see my old final save character ready for import. Had it in my head that it would appear there but no big deal. However, I can't seem to find the right spot to paste the character save to import him into the second game... any help would be great.
My Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/save/
My Documents/Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition/save/
When importing a character from BGEE to BG2EE do you get to select or alter kit? I'm thinking if someone had opted to play a straight (vanilla) class in BGEE. It would be like the original games where one could go from a Fighter, to a Berserker.
In the case of the Ranger, can racial enemy be altered?
I got the Android version of all BGEE's (including Icewind Dale) for my Samsung Galaxy NotePro 12.2. Now, if you want to port your character (including portrait from BG1EE) you only need to copy the save file from your internal storage (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition).
After that start Baldur's Gate II EE on your Android device and then start a new game and click Create to create a new character and then click import. In the dialog menu chose save game and then pick your save game from the list. After that click again on your charater's name multiple times to load it. The import button would just stay grayed out if you only click on the charater's name once.
On the SD card there are two empty folders "files" which I can't override using ES File manager unfortunately. Since the last update (I believe it was an SELinux update) from Samsung, I can't access the SD storage.
I would like to add that Android allows you to share "App IDs" and allow you to move data between these Apps. You could probably enable exporting and importing between multiple games without relying on the user to copy the files over. Alternative would be to use the Binder to share data. Just to add something constructive.