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How to prepare for server load?

I suppose that there are a few ways that one can prepare for the launch date of a highly anticipated game like BG2EE. One of the things that I suspect that you can use are the pre-sales figures to estimate the number of servers that you need up to avoid being overcome by millions of users suddenly trying to download your game. I suppose you would also need to prepare your internet provider with ample warning of the event so that they don't see a huge number of requests and just immediately shut down all connections to your IP address.

How do you prepare for a big launch date? How much preparation was required in advance? For the launch date, you need lots of servers, but past the launch date you don't need nearly as much... buying too many servers will waste a lot of money, because in the coming months you don't need nearly as many servers as you do on the first day, but buying too few runs the risk of a server-crashes/slow-downloads/miffed-customers/bad-stuff/etc. Does anyone rent out servers for precisely this kind of thing? How do you balance these types of issues?


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