i think it is bloated and disorganized. but if devs need to turn their attention from developing game to fix this then by all means, leave it as it is.
Excellent forum. Lousy troll. Thread can be locked for all I care.
Eh. The forums are workable but I wouldn't call them 'excellent'. There's always a case to be made for better usability. This just is very much the wrong way to make that case.
I wouldn't say lousy but people used to other forum software may certainly lack some familiar features.
It is kind of hard to read and follow it properly. Some equivalent of "View unread posts" and above all "View new posts" (displaying list of threads) would be really helpful. I'm not sure such extensions exist for vanillaforums but I'd imagine community requested/created them over the years. ("View your posts" and "Mark forums read" too)
Hmm, as bad as it might sound, I do have to agree a little with the OP (however, I certainly don't agree on his attitude and the way in which he put forward his message). These forums could certainly use some more refining in functionality. Mind you, they work fine on my phone, but when I'm on my PC, I get utterly lost sometimes. I have to admit that even though the Bioware Social Network is a 'hive full of scum and villainy', as someone once defined it (and to be honest, I can't disagree after two years), it had a very appealing interface and it was easier to navigate. But that is where the comparison stops. I like the people on these forums better.
I'm sorry, "View new posts" is of course under "Recent Discussions" (sorted from "Most Recent" down), slight problem (for me at least) is there's quite big number of Announcements that get in the way (they are always at the top even if not modified/posted in).
Sorry but a forum like this is the company's face to the public and this one shows as a bit unprofessional. The pages don't even scale properly in IE or Firefox, there is a scroll bar at the bottom of the screen. And don't tell me how it looks fine for you, it should work for all resolutions and monitors running at least 720 lines.
And, uh, I can view my own posts? Wow, there's some awesome technology. That's why I come to a forum, to just read the threads that I post in.
Why wasn't this your first post instead of
You telling me these people can't even afford a "see unread posts" button or a "mark all forums read" button?
You would have, like, five times the support by now.
I'm sorry, "View new posts" is of course under "Recent Discussions" (sorted from "Most Recent" down), slight problem (for me at least) is there's quite big number of Announcements that get in the way (they are always at the top even if not modified/posted in).
Could this be changed?
I've been thinking about removing the General "Announcement" status from several of the older news threads, but that's a decision for one of the administrators and not me.
Come on guys, have a sense of humor. I'm not looking to "get anywhere", I don't expect anyone to actually care enough to create a decent forum. Just commenting that a few simple conveniences would make the forum much more readable. And I don't see how "recent discussions" helps me to see which posts I have not read yet. It just shows the recent posts, whether i have read them or not.
Come on guys, have a sense of humor. I'm not looking to "get anywhere", I don't expect anyone to actually care enough to create a decent forum. Just commenting that a few simple conveniences would make the forum much more readable.
If you're the only one who got the joke, does the possibility not exist that the humour issue is not ours?
As I already said, I have nothing against improving usability. The way you've tried to go about it rubs me the wrong way, though.
And I don't see how "recent discussions" helps me to see which posts I have not read yet. It just shows the recent posts, whether i have read them or not.
It works fine on my setup (win7/64,chrome). I see unread threads in bold white font and ones I've already seen in thin grey. I'm not suggesting it's the ideal way for this to work, just addressing your concern.
Come on guys, have a sense of humor. I'm not looking to "get anywhere", I don't expect anyone to actually care enough to create a decent forum. Just commenting that a few simple conveniences would make the forum much more readable. And I don't see how "recent discussions" helps me to see which posts I have not read yet. It just shows the recent posts, whether i have read them or not.
You know, people keep saying this but on my PC threads that I've never entered are bolded (though sometimes it is hard to tell). Threads that I have already entered and that have new posts are bolded and have a little yellow notice saying how many new posts there are. Clicking on these topics also sends me to the first new post.
The forums can use some improvements, but I don't think this issue is that bad.
One other thing I would like to see, are coloured posts of members of the BGEE team. A different shade than the grey, or even just a BG logo on the top right portion of their post, to indicate they are a BGEE hard-working slave.
I'd be very pleased if an Off Topic session was added, where people could discuss non-BG:EE related topics such as "Baldur's Gate, the Movie", Dragon Age 2 and other games, what mods are best for the old BG games or which R.A. Salvatore novel is the worst.
In my case, I have a question about how to "vacate" the fast-spell-slots in the main UI of Baldur's Gate 2, because I made the mistake of putting spells in there (via right-click) and now can't get it back to the default state again... where do I post this? Off Topic would be ideal.
(if you have just throw me a link
Anyways, does it really freaking matter? And I don't think these things cost money in themselves, so I doubt its a matter of 'affording' them.
Verdict: This forum is space hamster tested, space hamster approved.
Besides, nice community is better than just have all buttons in the world. And this community is freaking awesome! Yes, talking to you people
Lousy troll.
Thread can be locked for all I care.
It is kind of hard to read and follow it properly. Some equivalent of "View unread posts" and above all "View new posts" (displaying list of threads) would be really helpful. I'm not sure such extensions exist for vanillaforums but I'd imagine community requested/created them over the years. ("View your posts" and "Mark forums read" too)
Go to your profile and click on Comments.
Could this be changed?
You would have, like, five times the support by now.
As I already said, I have nothing against improving usability. The way you've tried to go about it rubs me the wrong way, though. It works fine on my setup (win7/64,chrome). I see unread threads in bold white font and ones I've already seen in thin grey.
I'm not suggesting it's the ideal way for this to work, just addressing your concern.
The forums can use some improvements, but I don't think this issue is that bad.
In my case, I have a question about how to "vacate" the fast-spell-slots in the main UI of Baldur's Gate 2, because I made the mistake of putting spells in there (via right-click) and now can't get it back to the default state again... where do I post this? Off Topic would be ideal.