Anybody having FPS issues with BG2:EE
I'm feeling super depressed about the framerate issues with BG2:EE so far =(
I never used to have ANY issues at all until the 1.2 patch for BG:EE and now for BG2:EE
The triggers are random, it happens anywhere from at complete random to when you cast a stinking cloud spell. The game slows down by at least 50% if not more for a random period of time. I don't know what the problem is to be honest and I don't think anybody else does including the devs. Unless they changed the minimum requirements for 1.2 and bg2 or screwed with the graphics some how it's a saddening mystery
I don't know.... I slugged through it for the 1.2 patch but I don't think I have it in me to do SoA and ToB with such choppy 25% speed gameplay. Bleh
I never used to have ANY issues at all until the 1.2 patch for BG:EE and now for BG2:EE
The triggers are random, it happens anywhere from at complete random to when you cast a stinking cloud spell. The game slows down by at least 50% if not more for a random period of time. I don't know what the problem is to be honest and I don't think anybody else does including the devs. Unless they changed the minimum requirements for 1.2 and bg2 or screwed with the graphics some how it's a saddening mystery
I don't know.... I slugged through it for the 1.2 patch but I don't think I have it in me to do SoA and ToB with such choppy 25% speed gameplay. Bleh
As I already stated
I had NO PROBLEMS AT ALL before 1.2 and BG2:EE. Everything was running seamlessly and I never had any sort of framerate issues at all. Since 1.2 and BG2:EE the framerate randomly takes a 75% dive and it's virtually unplayable
The only thing I can think of is 1.2 and BG2:EE use some new graphics shader or something was changed
I haven't tried BG2EE yet, but I guess it's the same.
((One odd thing: Pre 1.2 the cinematics were juddery for me, now they run as smooth as the Fonz))
We've re-written major chunks of the file and memory handling, so performance choke points have changed. Understanding the hardware and the scenarios where slowdowns are seen will help us with the issue.
Windows XP SP3 ver 2002
Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00Ghz
3.5GB of Ram (I have 4GB in the slots but only reads 3.5)
Radeon X600 256MB video card
Yes, my video card is a relic of ancient history. I had a pretty good run with it. For shits and giggs, check this out lol
I actually found a relative solution - sometimes if you zoom all the way in, then back out to a desired level the framerate will actually go back to normal. It doesn't work all the time and it's basically putting lipstick on a pig but it's worth trying for anybody with the same problem I have
It has something to do with sounds, at least in my case. The game drops frames for 1-3 seconds immediately before a sound which hasn't been played for a while is heard. This does not happen with every frame, but it certainly happens relatively frequently.