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A guide to new magic items in BG2EE *SPOILERS*

ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122

Warning: This guide contains major spoilers for all of the new content in BG2:EE; much more so than the guide for BG:EE. It is my strong recommendation that anyone with the slightest bit of interest in the new storylines should play through the game at least once before reading any further.

There is now a spoiler free version of this guide in the post below this one

This is a list of all the new notable magic items in BG2:EE.
I am not including underwhelming vanilla items of which there are many.

A list of items in BG:EE can be found here:

A list of items in SoD can be found here:



Hojar's flame +1 (25% chance of inflicting 1d8 fire damage on hit) - Vagrant blades group, amphitheatre


The Grave Binder +2 (Dagger +2 that deals 1d6 base damage instead on 1d4) - Purchase from Gul Dukeem merchant in Red wizard Enclave in Waukeens Promenade
Dagger of Venom +2 (From BG1, 1 pointer of damage per second for 15 seconds. Save vs Poison Negates) - Purchase from Gul Dukeem merchant in Red wizard Enclave in Waukeens Promenade
Jade fang +3 (5% chance to stun for 10secs, restores 1 hp to user with each hit) - Shou-Lung's tomb

Great Swords

Rancor +1 (+1 greatsword, which gets +1 to hit when you have killed someone) -Dorn's starting equipment
Abyssal Blade +3 (+1 Dex, -1 Int, +5 vs good, +1d4 fire damage) - Xachrimos
- empowered 1: (+5 dmg vs devils) - Trap Ur Gothoz inside
- empowered 2: (+5 dmg vs demons) - Trap Azothet inside
- empowered 3: (+5 dmg vs devils, +5 dmg vs demons) - Trap both inside
These empowerment options are mutually exclusive
Ir'revrykal +5 "The Unholy Reaver" (Immunity to Charm, 50% chance to dispell magic on hit, 1D10+5, +5 vs good. Blackguards Only) - Watcher's Keep: Githyanki Encampment room 1


Holy Longsword of Tyr +3 (+6 dmg vs Chaotic Evil) - Any guard in Lunia


Hawksight +2 (+1 dex) - Kill the tears of selune in initial Rasaad encounter


Lupine's Sling +2 (15% chance of inflicting disease on hit) - Vagrant blades group, amphitheatre
Wild Sling +1 (Target must save vs spell or 100% chance for wild surge on any spells cast next round) - After quest to find Kirik, convince her to allow Kirik to continue practicing wild magic, then talk to Kirik for reward.


Neera's staff +1 (10% chance either target or weilder takes 1 fire damage) - Neera's starting equipment


The Brick +2 (Returning throwing hammer, Save vs spells or take +1d12 magic dmg and suffer 100% spell failiure chance next round. Aura of wild magic: 10% change a spell cast within 10ft of weilder, freind or foe alike, will become a wild surge) - Reward from the Half orc in the wild mage camp after you free him if you let him hit you without retaliating.


Arrows of Dispelling - Purchase from Gul Dukeem merchant in Red wizard Enclave in Waukeen's Promenade


Robe of invocation (Fire cold acid and electric resit +20%) - Order of the 8 staves stronghold
Robe of Goodman Hayes (Permanent chaos shield on wearer, AC -1 penalty) - Reward from Telana for freeing the wild mages
Tunic of Blindeye (Movement rate increased by 2. 25% resistance to magic damage: Once per day: Wild Zone: All spells cast in 30ft radius are wild surges for one turn, Wild Mages Only) - Purchase from Gul Dukeem merchant in Red wizard Enclave in Waukeens Promenade.
Shadow Dragon Scales - Yxtrazzal Shadow plane
Silver Dragon Armor (AC:-2, Cha -2, +15% magic resistance, Movement rate increased by 3, Heals wearer 2hp each time damage is taken, not usable by good, Wearable with other magical protection items) - crafted by Cespenar with Scales that drop from Dolrassa and Ixthezzys in Lunia



Wooden Horse necklace: (+2 AC, +2 saving throws) - Complete Return Mereth's hairband quest in wild mage camp
Brooch of the vagrant blades (Reflect magic missiles back at the attacker) Vagrant blades group, amphitheatre


Adoy's Belt (+5 saves vs Petrification/Polymorph) - Neera's starting equipment
Ox tail belt (+4 ac vs missile weapons, -2 charisma) Vagrant blades group, amphitheatre
Belt of minor invulnerability (5% chance of wearer getting globe of minor invulnerabilty, Cast globe of minor invulnerability once per day) Vagrant blades group, amphitheatre


Moonlight Walkers: (AC +2) - Rasaad's starting equipment
Night walkers: +2 movement rate, Immunity to Web, Grease, Entangle. Shadow door 3 times per day - in the dwarf household, behind the locked door with 2 guards, Algoroth's quarters.


Cloak of Dragonmir (Allows vampires to travel in the sunlight at -6str -4dex -2int -2wis -2cha) - Dragomir the red in dragomir's tomb
Cowl of the stars (May cast melf's minute meteors once per day as a wizard the same level as the wearer) - Shana gifts it to you if you resolve Rasaad's encounter peacefully. Otherwise on her corpse
Cloak of atonement (each use of the cloak subtracts 1 con for 8 hours from wearer and randomly cast one of the following: Armor of Faith, Chant, Chaotic Commands, Death Ward, Shield of the Archons) - Complete trial of penance
Cloak of unerrring strikes (+2 Thac0 with offhand) - Pickpocket or Kill Treya at first Rasaad encounter in Trademeet
Cloak of the Dark Moon (+2 Ac, +2 saving throws at night. Immunity to blindness, Prot magical energy 3/day) - Algoroth's Quarters
Cloak of the Lich (cold and electric resist +50%, immunity to death effects) - purchase in black pits arena, Neera's quest.


Glimmering Bands: (Thac0 +2) - Rasaad's starting equipment
Gauntlets of Aln Zekk (+3 damage when attacking with fists, 15% chance of inflicting 1d10 cold damage with each successful attack) - Successfully complete trial of darkness


Eyes of the beholder (+1AC, 3 charges per day: Can cast Dominate, Paralyze or Fear) - Complete trial of pain
The Visage: (+1 Thac0, +1 saving throws, Immunity to feeblemind, confusion, fear and charm, Domination 1/day, Breath Acid 1/day (6d6), not usable by good) - Reward from Ur-Gothoz after binding Azothet in the tree
Thayvan Circlet (+15% probability that a wild surge will have a positive effect) - Vicross
Headband of the Devout: (permanent bless, Immunity to confusion, Righteous Magic 1/day, Monk only) - Algoroths Quarters


Ring of duplication ( AC +1 vs Missiles, Hide in shadows +10%, Mirror image 3 times per day)- Vagrant blades group, amphitheatre


Shield of Fyrus Khal +2 : AC +3, +10% fire, cold, acid, electric resist, all allies within 5ft gain +5% magic resistance. Cast spell turning once per day - After quest to find Kirik, convince mother that wild magic is too dangerous
Kazrah´s shield (AC+5, chain lighting 1/day) - purchase in black pits arena, Neera's quest.


Collar Bell: (3 times a day wake everyone in 30ft radius from sleep. Also make a saving throw or become deafened for 1 turn) - Complete Barad Ding's cat rescue quest in wild mage camp
Charname's Tankard: (Restore 2d8hp 3 times per day) - Complete Mironda's Ale quest in wild mage camp
Gem of seeing (can cast true sight once per day) - Complete trial of blinding

Wands and Potions:

Green Dragon Potion: (Str set to 25, int 3, con 3, Slows user. Lasts 24hours) - Complete Reunite Zaviak and Wilson quest in wild mage camp
Red Potion: (+50% resistance to Magic Damage, Set int to 25,Wis to 3, str to 3, Lasts 24 hours) - Defeat Algaroth's attack on twofold temple
Wand of glitterdust - Resurrection gorge, container
Potion of clairvoyance (Detect invisible 10 mins) - Winterbrook, Resurrection gorge
Wand of spell striking (Breach and Pierce Magic) - 2 copies: Vicross in ToB and Purchase from Wands vendor merchant in Red wizard Enclave in Waukeens Promenade, SoA
Wand of Whips: Casts force whip on target creature: Duration 4 rounds . 1d6+1 magic damage per round + Save vs spells (-4) or become held for the remaining duration of the spell) - Szass Tam


Bag of holding modified - Hexxat gives it to you after defeating Dragomir

Notable extras:

All these items already existed in the game, but these are additional copies of them.

2x Helm of glory - Guardian terpfen, Helmite camp and one at Hammerjaw ambush
2x Helm of charm protection Hammerjaw ambush
Periaph of life protection -Shou-Lung's tomb
Robe of Neutral Archmagi - Purchase from Gul Dukeem merchant in Red wizard Enclave in Waukeens Promenade
Plate of the Dark (Full Plate +1) - Fadell Iron Eye
Shortbow +3 - Hafsa, Al-Qadim tomb
Rod of reserrection -Szass Tam's Arena stolen from the temple service woman, Molzahn of Tymora.
Ring of Fire Control - Szass Tam's Arena stolen from the Weapons Merchant
Golden girdle - Algoroth's chambers
Paws of the cheetah - Algoroths chambers
Bracers of defence AC3 - Algoroths chambers
Robe of the evil archmagi - Vicross


All magic items available in BG:EE can be imported into BG2:EE and can thus be considered new items. They will be taken away in the opening cutscene however, unless exploits are used.
Update: It seems like some of the new items cannot currently be transferred across this way

The two bonus merchants found in the Adventurers mart and Copper Coronet are included in BG2:EE, selling magical items based of IWD and PS:T

The Seeker's Sling: Can be used without ammo (fires +1 sling bullets). This replaces the old ability of adding strength bonus to sling damage, as this is now present in all slings.
Mace of Disruption +1 now strikes as a +3 weapon.
Mace of Disruption +2 now strikes as a +5 weapon.
Kudane +1 now grants an extra attack
Defender of Easthaven is now a +3 weapon (previously +2)

Imported from SoD

The Following Items transfer over to BG2:EE from SoD:
Voidsword +3
Voidhammer +3
Robe of Red Flames
Belt of the Skillful Blade - Drow merchant, Ust Natha
Archer's Eyes - Drow party guarding the exit of the underdark
Helmet of Dumathoin - Adventurer group, Temple District sewers
Bard Hat - First fight in Planar Prison
Biter +2
Tangled Strings
Buckler of the Fist +2
Dragon Blade +3 - Tazok in Firkraag Dungeon

Note that these items only appear if you have them in your inventory when you import your SoD save to BG2

Item Codes:

(provided by @Tresset‌)

Hojar's Flame +1 - ohrax1h1
The Grave Binder +2 - dagg04
Dagger of Venom +2 - misc75
Jade fang +3 - ohhdag01
Rancor +1 - sw2hd1
Abyssal Blade +3 - ohdsw2ha
- empowered 1: (+5 dmg vs devils) - ohdsw2hb
- empowered 2: (+5 dmg vs demons) - ohdsw2hc
- empowered 3: (+5 dmg vs devils, +5 dmg vs demons) - ohdsw2hd
Ir'revrykal +5 "The Unholy Reaver" - ohreaver
Holy Longsword of Tyr +3 - ohdhswd
Hawksight +2 - ohrsw1h1
Lupine Sling +2 - ohrslng1
Wild Sling +1 - ohnslng1
Neera's staff +1 - stafn1
The Brick +2 - ohnhamm1
Robe of invocation - ohnrobe2
Robe of Goodman Hayes - ohnrobe1
Tunic of Blindeye - ohnrobe3
Silver Dragon Armor - ohdarmor
Silver Dragon Scales - ohdscale
Wooden Horse necklace - ohnamul2
Brooch of the vagrant blades - ohramul1
Adoy's Belt - nebelt01
Ox tail belt - ohrbelt1
Belt of minor invulnerability - ohrbelt2
Moonlight Walkers - rsboot
Night walkers - ohrboot1
Cloak of Dragomir - ohhcloak
Cowl of the stars - ohrclck1
Cloak of atonement - ohrclck3
Cloak of unerring strikes - ohrclck2
Cloak of the Dark Moon - ohrclck4
Cloak of the Lich - ohbclck1
Glimmering Bands - rsbrac
Gauntlets of Aln Zekk - ohrbrac1
Eyes of the beholder - ohreyeb
The Visage - ohdmask
Korkorran's Cowl - ohhkork
Thayan Circlet - ohnhelm1
Headband of the Devout - ohrhelm1
Ring of duplication - ohrring1
Shield of Fyrus Khal +2 - ohnshld1
Kazrah's shield - ohbshld1
Collar Bell - ohncoll
Charname's Tankard - ohntank
Gem of seeing - ohrscrl1
Green Dragon Potion - ohnpotn1
Wand of glitterdust - ohdwand1
Potion of clairvoyance - ohdpotn1
Wand of Whips - ohnwand1
Dragomir's Respite - ohhbag
Post edited by ajwz on


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    edited November 2013
    This list is very much incomplete, and I would appreciate help in filling it in. Anyone who contributes even a small detail will receive a like.
    Post edited by ajwz on
  • Aron740Aron740 Member Posts: 153
    I see undead items? Okay now I so have to finish my latest bg1ee playthrough...
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    Aranthys said:


    Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :D

    Feel ya.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    ajwz said:

    All magic items available in BG:EE can be imported into BG2:EE and can thus be considered new items.

  • mylegbigmylegbig Member Posts: 292
    So much for my hopes for a new long bow and katana...
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Already with ToB?!! Dafuq!?
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    mylegbig said:

    So much for my hopes for a new long bow and katana...

    What sort of long bow and katana were you wanting to see?

  • rorikonrorikon Member Posts: 105
    Well I'm glad they at least put the Dagger of Venom in BG2EE, especially since I'm importing a dual wielding fighter/thief that used it for almost the entirety of BG1EE. I didn't want to have to shadowkeeper it, so I'm happy.
  • KortokKortok Member Posts: 165
    Was waiting on this post before I started. Thanks!
  • mylegbigmylegbig Member Posts: 292

    mylegbig said:

    So much for my hopes for a new long bow and katana...

    What sort of long bow and katana were you wanting to see?

    Just anything that can compete with the likes of Gesen, Firetooth, Foebane, Axe of the Unyielding, etc.

  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    What sort of long bow and katana were you wanting to see?

    mylegbig said:

    Just anything that can compete with the likes of Gesen, Firetooth, Foebane, Axe of the Unyielding, etc.

    I'll see what I can do about that, then. I will resurrect a long bow I created about 10 years ago--The Breath of the Fifth Master. hrm...can I get an "official" translation into Japanese from someone on that? I am uncertain if I want to trust Google Translate for that. It doesn't fire its own ammunition so you will need to load your own arrows but it will be worth it.

  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 424
    edited November 2013
    The ring Evermemory (doubles 1st level spells) from BG:EE does not transfer. Nor does it exist in BG2:EE. Instead it is REPLACED with the Reaching Ring which gives a bonus 5th, 6th and 7th level spell I believe.

    Are there any tools to add items to the BGEE games like there were for the old games? The old tools have problems recognizing the EE series and I'd like to add Evermemory to BG2:EE

    The Practical Defense +3 plate mail also does not transfer. It is REPLACED by a set of non-magical normal platemail in BG2:EE
    Post edited by Nic_Mercy on
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    So, any BG:EE new item is transferible to BG2:EE like happened with some few old items like helm of balduran, mail of the dead and golden pantaloons?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2013
    Its possible to pick pocket the Cloak of Unerring Strikes off of Treya

    She is one of the people confronting Rasaad in Trademeet

    It gives +2 thac0 to your offhand weapon.

    Edit: Looks like you mentioned it but you weren't sure where it was :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Also with the Jade Fang I think you may mean it heals the user by 1 health with each hit
  • HandofTyrHandofTyr Member Posts: 106
    Not to be a whiner here, but I hope the abyssal blade isn't the mentioned Carsomyr replacement for blackguards. Or if it is that there's a nice upgrade waiting for it with Cespenar. Is it 1d12 or 1d10?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    HandofTyr said:

    Not to be a whiner here, but I hope the abyssal blade isn't the mentioned Carsomyr replacement for blackguards. Or if it is that there's a nice upgrade waiting for it with Cespenar. Is it 1d12 or 1d10?

  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I'm gonna rely on others for ToB testing, since it's not exactly my favourite part of the game
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    Ring of Djinni Summon seems to be new. In the room of Aran Linvail (at least I haven't seen it before)
  • suddenly_humansuddenly_human Member Posts: 22
    mylegbig said:

    So much for my hopes for a new long bow and katana...

    Yeah I'm disappointed about that too - really was hoping for an upgraded Celestial Fury for ToB :(

  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    edited November 2013
    EDIT: deleted; not new item
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    @Sed - The Ring of Djinni Summoning always been there, though I tihnk the only way to obtain it in the original game was siding with Bodhi and killing Linvail.
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    edited November 2013
    Dagger +2:
    Found in Dragomir's Tomb.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704

    The Sleeper +2:

    Flail +2 (any human or demihuman, excluding elves, hit by the Sleeper must vs. Poison with a +4 bonus or fall asleep for 3 rounds) - Purchase from Bernard in Copper Cornet after rescuing Hendak.
    Already existed before this one. I remember that i always drop it to buy arm's strengh mace for Viccy or Aerie.
  • BasillicumBasillicum Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 400
    @kamuizin You're right, I'm sorry. I think I got confused because it has a new icon.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    edited November 2013
    Any chance the cloak of balduran is in this game? I know it's OP, but I hope to finally complete the entire set of weapons and armors.
    Sed said:

    Ring of Djinni Summon seems to be new. In the room of Aran Linvail (at least I haven't seen it before)

    Must be a new addition. You can pickpocket this ring from the Renal Bloodcap guy in vanilla.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    bbear said:

    Must be a new addition. You can pickpocket this ring from the Renal Bloodcap guy in vanilla.

    Incorrect. It's always been in Aran Linvail's room. Renal does not have it on him, PP or otherwise.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Oops. I must mix him up with Aran Linvail. Really? I thought you have to pickpocket the thief chief for the ring. I always check the loots in the room but never found it.
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