Aerie lovers annonymous

I think that those few of us that actually enjoy Aeries romance and prefer it over Viconia or Jaheira need a support group, because how can something so wrong, whiney and annoying possibly be attractive?

Post edited by Mungri on
...I really don't like Aerie.
You might be in the wrong thread then.
Leave Aerie alone!
But if you like or have your character fall in love with Aerie, I'd say it's not because of her romance dialogue, for the type of character she shows herself the whole rest of the time. When you first meet her, trapped as an ogre, she doesn't beg for help; first thing she does is tell you to go away and save yourselves. When you have her in your party, she obviously does lack confidence and isn't used to interacting as everyone's equal, but all that grows in her with time. She is a very good spellcaster, whether she knows it or not, and brave, and kind, and nice to almost everyone... just one or two NPC's she has any real problems with (Not Edwin, weirdly enough; in fact, she seems the only Good aligned character who likes him, or at least respect him as a magic user... maybe just because she doesn't know him that well).
The romance shows her going through a bit of depression. She obviously doesn't really talk to any other characters about her feelings, probably not even Quayle as she feels she already owes him too much, so she does have a need to get it all off her chest. But at least once she has, that's it; she can move on.
Anyways... actually, as this poll I conducted a few weeks ago shows, Aerie is actually quite popular...
Oh and @Mungri, encase ya didn't know, the man above me as done some amazing digital art for Aerie and other BG characters. You should check em' out.
Imoen's kinda got the advantage in that she's in a whole extra game and is central to the plot, whereas (sadly) we can't see Aerie until BG 2.
By the way OP... admitting our affection for Aerie on a forum is hardly Anonymous...
Similar things can be said of Anomen's romance.
Aerie isnt.
But she is nowhere near as bad as Anomen is.
Entertaining as a fictional character though.
I've said too much, haven't I?
I enjoy reading all the banter in this game though.
Um... this is a little off topic, isn't it?
I think if Aerie were a real person, it would take a quite extraordinary effort not to like her at all. I mean, you would have to commend that person, in a way. To feel that much totally unwarranted hate at someone just for existing... just, wow... I sure couldn't do that.
As for Aerie, I definitely agree. I feel the same way about Imoen too. I can see why some people find her whiny but realistically after all she's been through you can't really blame her. I'm sure charname has a lot of the same thoughts even though as the protagonist he doesn't share them. That's one thing I find uncomfortable about Jaheira's romance, she starts making eyes at charname awfully quickly even as her late husband's corpse is still cooling.
Wait.. are you really Aerie, or are you secretly the wolf that ate her?