What's with the entitlement?

As I'm writing this, the most recent topic on this General Forum is 'lousy forum', which I suppose is a complaint about the forum system used. We've had complaints about the distribution system, the added content, the characters, the value of an Enhanced Edition, dozens of 'if X is not in, I'm not buying it' posts, and now there's even criticism aimed at the method through which we can discuss these things. Pretty much anything that can be criticized has been.
What's with the entitlement, seriously? A few months ago, we didn't even know this product would exist, and now they're bringing a modern, official version of a great classic to all kinds of platforms and fixing the multiplayer system. They're giving us bonus content to boot, and they're doing it for less money than what I usually spend at groceries. How quickly after these announcements do we suddenly feel we 'deserve' something?
This obviously isn't directed at everyone - plenty of interesting, supportive topics here. Neither should anything be exempt from criticism, especially if it can make a product better. But there's still a hugely negative vibe coming from so many posts. Come on guys, let's give the team a break and count our blessings.
What's with the entitlement, seriously? A few months ago, we didn't even know this product would exist, and now they're bringing a modern, official version of a great classic to all kinds of platforms and fixing the multiplayer system. They're giving us bonus content to boot, and they're doing it for less money than what I usually spend at groceries. How quickly after these announcements do we suddenly feel we 'deserve' something?
This obviously isn't directed at everyone - plenty of interesting, supportive topics here. Neither should anything be exempt from criticism, especially if it can make a product better. But there's still a hugely negative vibe coming from so many posts. Come on guys, let's give the team a break and count our blessings.
It is because in our society it is driven into children's skulls how special they are (it should also be emphasized that everyone else is special as well) they therefore grow up believing that life owes them. So when things are not specifically catered to their every whim, they tend to complain.
If they gave this game away for free with 40 hours of extra gameplay, people would still find reason to complain.
For example that thread about black pits "is this a joke" its not a respectful way of saying I would prefer other kind of content.
IMO players can feel entitled to "demand"/criticize content in or out (not legally of course) only when X game has for some reason been -reaped apart- (by new devs or publisher for example), which is NOT the case with BGEE...
Mate, if only I could press the like and agree button a thousand times! You have hit it on the head, why people feel the need to carry on like pork chops and bring ppl down is totally beyond me! It's all well and good for those types to say well if you don't like it, don't read it, the fact is though that if every third post is someone having a whine, you can't get away from it. I call for the mods to make a new section called "issues and gripes" so people that don't want to read about it don't have to. Also they wouldn't have to wade through it on the regular forum just to read the stuff they have an interest in.
*steps down off of soap box, puts megaphone under arm and walks away*.
Honestly, the idiocy I have come across is outstanding. (I personally love the look of these forums)
Trolls gotta troll, haters gotta hate, whiners gotta whine. So far, this forum is one of the best I've been to so it doesn't bother me much. At least it's not a Blizzard forum.
I love you all! In a manly, dwarven way of course.
Nevertheless, I agree with the sentiment behind your post.
The trick is to express your problems in a mature, rational manner.
And if you don't, you're a crybaby meanie head. =(
- The criticism on those forums is based on a released game.
- BG:EE, which doesn't lose content and doesn't change the system in very unpredictable ways is almost guaranteed not to disappoint fans of its earlier incarnation who actually read that they won't witness a technological miracle on the graphics front.
- Content and rules with enough support could be changed by modders as the team actively supported them already.
- There is really a huge price difference, even more considering the CE, and those who bought it but expected mostly improvements (including me) can only hope the game will once raise up to their expectation without requiring further investment.
- A rather suitable analogy I can think of would be if BG3 included:
- automatically distributed stats
- a linear series of quests only, with areas opening only when the next quest is started
- no reason, or even limited ways for us go back to previously visited places
- in every chapter a somewhat better set of the same equipment
- major opponents who ruin the atmosphere that still lingers from the previous episodes
- Flaws of another game don't belong here in my opinion, unless as a warning. (Sorry if only the first part applies to my previous point.)
I never posted on those forums, because I felt that others expressed my concerns more than well enough, and I don't think everyone, including those who properly described their complaints, and even tried to come up with ideas for making the game better, should be labelled trolls.[/spoiler]As someone who doesn't use facilities like this often, I appreciate the forum and like how it lets the developers, players, modders provide support for each other in improving and fixing parts of the game. I find several of its features very nice as well.
Regarding the topics with negative and already dissatisfied tone, I think their authors should have waited until the release, before expressing exaggerated opinions about new content or mods that won't be included despite their wish, because it's unjust at this stage, and based only on partial informations.
I would be grateful only for an engine update, but official fixes and additional content, even romances in the first game go way beyond that.
I hope many existing and new mods will also be available for this edition, including most, if not all of those that some people wished for in the vanilla (but still won't be forced on people who wouldn't like them).
My wish would be only to be able to install, delete, or even disable mods without external software or methods that make me feel like hacking on the game and likely introducing unforeseen issues with the original content, repairable only by a completely new install.
Your a silly poo poo head!
I think the issue might be less entitlement and more just people not knowing how to have a mature discussion.
In a nutshell:
My tip: Just ignore it. Or argue constructively.
What a load of rubbish OP.
First off, you should never use the phrase "entitled" to describe a games fans. Developers putting out shoddy, unfinished sequels have used the word to death, and it has a loaded meaning now, particularly with developers like bioware and the controversy behind dragon age 2, mass effect 3 and kotor.
Secondly, ignoring this there is always going to be a negative vibe after an announcement. That doesn't mean that the majority of people aren't excited, but if there is something you don't like about what was announced, then obviously this is the only time people have had to come on to the forums and express their opinions, since we have had virtually NO information about the game itself up until this point.
Thirdly, threads like this are MUCH WORSE than threads complaining about some aspect they don't like about it. This is just one huge circlejerk about how having a positive opinion (or supportive thread like you suggest) on something is somehow BETTER than having a negative opinion, and threads like this will encourage people to shut up, not say what they think, and make the feedback incredibly misleading, which might not hurt but is definitely not going to help in the development or sales of the game.
Ugh.. It really make tired to see the cancerous spread of reddit style posting spread on to every forum on the internet.
Right...May I ask why?
Complainers gonna complain.
Gamers gonna Game.
Right...May I ask why?
Was just kidding around