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Can you add a camera lock option, pretty please?

KaiDanKaiDan Member Posts: 14
I love the work Overhaul has done, and Baldur's Gate would be complete if you added a option that locks the camera to what the game was originally designed around. While we do have a zoom in/ zoom out feature, the game constantly resets back to the default view during cut-scenes, breaking the immersion. Even in scaled mode, the default view is just too far out and the game feels more like you're controlling ants through a maze and not scared adventures through a dungeon. All Infinity engine games were designed around a view distance you get from 640x480. Everything from the map size to the sound effects were made for this view distance. Future games allowed you to view the game in 800x600, which allowed you to see a bit more of the map but not too much.
You should allow us to lock the game in these two views size equivalents, meaning it is always in that view, even during cut-scenes. There are a number of benefits to this: First is that tablet users don't have the problem of constantly zooming in and out accidentally. Second is it allows players who haven't played the original game to experience it the way it was meant to be experienced. Last but not least is that it improves immersion into the game; walking into a temple and hearing distant chatter makes you feel that the place is alive, but zoomed far out makes you realize that it's just a big empty room.
Doing this will really build my trust in you Overhaul and I will happily purchase future games with said trust.

image The 640x480 view

The 800x600 view


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