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Is there anyone else who hasn't bought it yet?



  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    I pre-ordered BGEE and I never encountered any serious bugs from day 1, so I'm not too concerned about that.
  • Wikkid_SuhnWikkid_Suhn Member Posts: 136
    With the likes of Humble Bundle's Origin and WB sales, it's hard to justify purchasing one arguably buggy game for $25. I'm also a student, and the end of the semester is fast approaching, so I wouldn't be able to play BG2:EE anyway. It's probably for the better though; by the time I'm free a patch will probably have come out!
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    I haven't bought BG2:EE yet for two reasons: first, I need to finish my current BG:EE playthrought (and I tend to play rather slowly), and second is that my experiences from year ago taught me that I should wait for a while.

    It's not like game is broken at release, but still I prefer to wait.
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    Someone gave me a free copy of one from this thread, I'm not going to say his name because I don't want his inbox to get spammed, but he's generally known as a nice guy here. I didn't ask for one, so I was pleasantly surprised to get it.

    I was holding out until the sale, but this just happened so I'm really grateful. I don't think I deserved the kindness, so when winter vacation hits, I'll create a thread for you guys and share the incredibly quality portraits that I've collected for many years, so I can try to give at least something back to the community.

    I think BG series has the best community, so many great mods, developers coming back to the game after a decade, and people don't give each other crap like you see on diablo/starcraft forums.

    i think it's only natural that one of the best classic games has the best fan-base. We want other people in the world to know that there are games like BG2 out here instead of games like Diablo 3. It's sad cRPGs are almost gone nowadays. I would love for beamdog to make Torment Remastered HD. That game is like BG2 story on steroids :)
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    @ghostowl: Ooh new portraits - can't wait!
  • FiachFiach Member Posts: 231
    I was going to pre buy it a week or so ago, but remembered BGEE1 and decided to wait, saw the bugs list and decided to wait some more, yesterday I bought 1 and 2 on GOG and I'll combine them with BGT over the weekend, see how that pans out, may eventually buy this on Steam in a sale or something at this stage.

    Quite disappointed tbh.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I'll buy it when I get around to it. I'm not bent about bugs, but knowing that some cropped up keeps me from hurrying. I'll be purchasing a gift copy for somebody else, but that's all I forsee in the near future.
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