Difficulty of BG:EE Compared to the Original?

I may be the only one worried about this, but will the difficulty of BG:EE be a lot higher then the original? I played BG with TuTu on a my Dad's computer while visiting a while back, and I had a lot of difficulty with fights I recall breezing through when it first came out (Specifically the 4 bounty hunters you fight after the Nashkell mines and the large wolf + dire wolf + vampiric wolf pack out back of the Temple of Helm). I mean, I'd think things should be easier, as I didn't really use much in the way of tactics when I first played (I was in grade 5 or 6), and I've got a lot more experience with RPGs now. He also noticed that it was a lot harder then the first time he played through it, a number of years ago.
Is this increased difficulty trait of the TuTu install he has (i.e. he used an installer that added a difficulty mod by mistake), a general trait of TuTu in specific or this this a general trait of how BG:I and BG:II interact? My best guess is that the fights with NPCs are harder since they are built using specializations and I believe kits, but I could be wrong on this. Will NPCs in BG:EE be rebuilt in the same way, or will they be more similar to how they are in vanilla?
Is this increased difficulty trait of the TuTu install he has (i.e. he used an installer that added a difficulty mod by mistake), a general trait of TuTu in specific or this this a general trait of how BG:I and BG:II interact? My best guess is that the fights with NPCs are harder since they are built using specializations and I believe kits, but I could be wrong on this. Will NPCs in BG:EE be rebuilt in the same way, or will they be more similar to how they are in vanilla?
TuTu itself with no extra mods is generally considered to be slightly easier than the original Baldur's Gate for various reasons. The main ones being that you have more spells to use and more kits/classes to choose from. Your walking speed is also faster meaning you can kite slow monsters like bears around more easily.
BG:EE will likely be a degree easier than TuTu. This is because on top of the BG2 features coming over ala TuTu it will also include new content and raise the xp cap. The reduced difficulty will be felt once you have completed more content than you could originally have done and your characters outpace the original xp curve.
I also anticipate BG2:EE will be a considerable amount easier than the original BG2 because the increased xp cap in BG1 will carry over to your characters in BG2. This will mean you'll always be a step ahead of the original xp curve. Not to mention BG2:EE will have new content of its own.
The way the designers dealt with the problem of increasing the xp cap in the original TotSC expansion was to increase the difficulty of a few late game encounters. For ToB they didn't and the end of SoA is noticeably easier with it installed because you have access to HLAs etc. Unfortunately I believe the team is not allowed to edit content already in the game so I expect the EE's to be like ToB in this regard. However the games will still probably be challenging for anyone who doesn't play it often or is new to it. For the people that replay it regularly - they require difficulty mods for a challenge anyway.