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Gotta say the worst part about BG2: EE...

... is the current lack of Dungeon-Be-Gone. Uggh, I hate going through the first dungeon so badlyyyyyy... especially since this like, what, the 34th time I've been through it in my playing career? And I imagine people have played many more times than that.


  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    I'm glad that those that want Dungeon-Be-Gone can have it. Good for them. I just never felt that way about it. Instead I feel that way about the Spellhold maze.
  • ArthainArthain Member Posts: 17
    I don't mind Spellhold but I find by the time I reach the Underdark I'm like "Just end it... please..."
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Arcalian said:

    I'm glad that those that want Dungeon-Be-Gone can have it. Good for them. I just never felt that way about it. Instead I feel that way about the Spellhold maze.

    It's the planar sphere for me. Sometimes I skip it entirely
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    cmorgan said:

    Errr... it *is* available. And updated for BGII:EE. And found at one of the major modding sites, In fact, here is a link:

    v1.7: Ensured BG2:EE compatibility

    On windows, the installer is a little arcane/archaic, but it work. You have to download the .zip, then extract the installation .exe. Then you have to run the install .exe, and it will try to point to your game. If you have old BG2 and BGII:EE, rather than fight the installer, I'd suggest letting it run to your desktop, then moving the files to your BGII:EE directory, and then running the standard setup-mymod.exe there - that's what folks using the BWP and Mega installs on BG2 have to do.

    You sir, are a saint and a scholar.
  • cmorgancmorgan Member Posts: 707
    Nah - just love the heck out of this game in its various incarnations. But glad I could help!
  • beingmarkhbeingmarkh Member Posts: 42
    Bearing in mind that I know precisely nothing about coding, can anybody tell me how to install this on a Mac? I've got a .rar file here, but when I try to open it I get the "no application to run X" message.
  • Manveru123Manveru123 Member Posts: 52
    Could anyone please upload this mod (v 1.7) to another hosting website, like Mediafire? Download link from the provided site does not work for me :(
  • AnotherLifeAnotherLife Member Posts: 115

    Could anyone please upload this mod (v 1.7) to another hosting website, like Mediafire? Download link from the provided site does not work for me :(

    Works fine here, anyway try this :
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    edited December 2013

    Bearing in mind that I know precisely nothing about coding, can anybody tell me how to install this on a Mac? I've got a .rar file here, but when I try to open it I get the "no application to run X" message.

    Try this:

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