What are some of your nice "Hey! That's new!" moments in BG2EE? (VERY MINOR SPOILERS)

Ok, so the first totally new thing I noticed after entering Athkatla proper was that very untalkative bouncer in front of a door at Waukeen's Promenade. I still have no idea how to get past him, and I don't want anyone to tell me.
What are some of the new additions you have noticed on the maps? Any obviously new doors, characters etc? I am not interested in quest content, simply the stuff that immediately or almost immediately shows.
It's looking very very good so far.
What are some of the new additions you have noticed on the maps? Any obviously new doors, characters etc? I am not interested in quest content, simply the stuff that immediately or almost immediately shows.
It's looking very very good so far.
And a bigger one: Firkraag now offers an evil twist to the Windspear quest. That was a major "wow!"-moment.