Are shapeshifters going to use paws for instant changing, or we still stuck with the old school cast

This has always been a blight on any of you Druid shapeshifters who play that kit. Did you guys added this in from the shapeshifting rebalaning mod decide to make shapeshifting at will by letting shapeshifters make these paws you equip and can unequip to instantly change to and back from whatever form you create like how the shapeshifting rebalance mod did? I never liked the casting to shapeshift but an understand it does take time to change. Was this added into EE im wondering?
Oh and though its off topic but relates to shapeshifters. Please tell me Cernd is a Totemic Druid and not a shapeshifter anymore since Totemic Druid does fit logically on him within the game and the story surrounding him. Shapeshifter just didnt feel like a Cernd at all and he mentions nothing about being one or if the tribe hes from were shapeshifters at all?
Oh and though its off topic but relates to shapeshifters. Please tell me Cernd is a Totemic Druid and not a shapeshifter anymore since Totemic Druid does fit logically on him within the game and the story surrounding him. Shapeshifter just didnt feel like a Cernd at all and he mentions nothing about being one or if the tribe hes from were shapeshifters at all?
Post edited by Xezmeraude on