Jaheira should have her proficency points changed to reflect her staff fighting skills

This is something I always found irked me about Jaheira. Since she is a fighter druid and druids of all types shun metal no matter what, (Thank you shadow keeper) I always do this with Jaheira in BG2 to make her more like a little john knid of Character. Since metal is shunned remove the sword and shield proficiency point along with the scimitar point. You now have +2 to put anywhere. I put them on Two handed fighting style. The +2 club I remove. Shes more into her staff than a club. I take those points and Put them on sling and Quarterstaff. Thus making Jaheria the little John of Faerun and she is muh more in character when shes:
Two-Handed Fighting Style++
Perfect Jaheira concept and more appropriate to her style of fighting and makes her more of a fighter kind of druid still keeping her on the nature side of things but a offensive kind of druid when the need arises. If Overhaul devs want to include this into the fixes of the game. It would make Jaheira a more stand out supportive druid. With that setup. I never go back to the old Jaheira ever again. This set up is far more cannon to her as in PNP rules Druids even that are Fighter/Druid multi-class CANNOT wear metal at all. I have tried many proficiency choices and this one always won in the end. I let you all use this set up and Overhaul you an consider it as a last minute touch up on her before releasing the game. Lets make her more useful and more combat oriented with her staff and make a little john kind of fighter in the game. It makes it fit her role and her personality perfectly. Agree with me everyone. No one can argue with a Jaheira based like that. She has done far more with this set up than any other combination I have ever tried to make her be as. This one came out with flying colors. Youll be happy with how much better she survives and can handle her own while even casting druidry seplls in the back. Anyone wants to mess with her when they approach her. Feel the wrath of a muich more faster swinging +4 to weapon speed quarterstaff user and a much stronger slinger when range is needed. +1 damage and critical cannot be passed up either. She is still teh same in every other stat in her character screen. I just dont like her original proficiency set up. Its not based on a druid at all. Remove the metal proficencies and go this way. You will love Jaheira a long time like I have
Two-Handed Fighting Style++
Perfect Jaheira concept and more appropriate to her style of fighting and makes her more of a fighter kind of druid still keeping her on the nature side of things but a offensive kind of druid when the need arises. If Overhaul devs want to include this into the fixes of the game. It would make Jaheira a more stand out supportive druid. With that setup. I never go back to the old Jaheira ever again. This set up is far more cannon to her as in PNP rules Druids even that are Fighter/Druid multi-class CANNOT wear metal at all. I have tried many proficiency choices and this one always won in the end. I let you all use this set up and Overhaul you an consider it as a last minute touch up on her before releasing the game. Lets make her more useful and more combat oriented with her staff and make a little john kind of fighter in the game. It makes it fit her role and her personality perfectly. Agree with me everyone. No one can argue with a Jaheira based like that. She has done far more with this set up than any other combination I have ever tried to make her be as. This one came out with flying colors. Youll be happy with how much better she survives and can handle her own while even casting druidry seplls in the back. Anyone wants to mess with her when they approach her. Feel the wrath of a muich more faster swinging +4 to weapon speed quarterstaff user and a much stronger slinger when range is needed. +1 damage and critical cannot be passed up either. She is still teh same in every other stat in her character screen. I just dont like her original proficiency set up. Its not based on a druid at all. Remove the metal proficencies and go this way. You will love Jaheira a long time like I have

Post edited by Bhryaen on
Sword/Shield Style+
That to me isnt Jaheira at all and Druids cant use metal as what PnP states. Druids live on nature. Metal isnt considered nature. Leather is animal Hide. They will wear it because amimals are a creature of nature. Metals are nothing real. They dont eat breathe or live. Hence why druids are offended by people who protect themselves behind them rather than living as one to nature. Jaheira in her old portrait showed her hold a quarterstaff. Why would she want a club when a quarterstaff is a longer stick than a club and is more versatile than a measly club. She favors the staff over a club obviously.
Her old proficiences had 1 big advantage. Had you level her up a little, you could spend a point in one of those "+" proficiences, and thus, choose her fighting style which you like the most. If I wanted to make her use slings, I could do it. If I wanted to make her using scimitars, I could do it. Same for quarterstaffs. Had your suggestion would be ever implemented, my choice would have gone.
I know that according to P&P druids just shouldn't use metal equipment. But, this is a game we are talking about. Do that, and you make druids even less usefull that they ever was.
your classes can use but Druidic spellcasting is hampered by being cut off from nature such as wearing metal armor.
*ed: Personally I don't recommend we move to a system with greater restrictions. Aside from the Shapeshifter kit and the Insect spells, Druids don't really have anything to recommend them above clerics in the base game, especially with their extremely lackluster leveling scheme and lack of access to raise dead spells.
Side note: I personally play with Ashes of Embers, which removes weapon proficiency restrictions from all classes, because I don't think the old way makes a lot of sense.
Baldur's Gate 1 suffers for it though. A badass quarterstaff there wouldn't hurt.
Druids in 2E could only use "natural" armors -- i.e. padded, hide or leather armor, and wooden shields. This restriction was made only for armor, however. While their weapon list was sharply limited, it included scimitars, sickles, darts, spears, and daggers -- all of whom have metal parts. (The rest of the list is slings, staves, and clubs.)
Talking about dragon armors btw -- did anyone else ever feel that the way they were implemented in BG2 was a bit... cheap? I was always bothered by the obvious categorization/restrictions of the armors -- ie.: Shadow Dragon Scale = leather, White Dragon Scale = chain, Blue/Red Dragon Scale = plate. I'm a bit fuzzy on the actual pen and paper rules, but shouldn't armors made from exotic materials like this be usable by almost any class, instead of just following the restrictions of whichever category (leather/chain/plate) they are assigned to? This is certainly true for items like the Bladesinger Chain in BG2 and the Elven Chain in ToB, as well as the above-mentioned Black Dragon Scale in IWD.
I don't have my books here but if I recall, the amount of material provided determined what you could make from it. A young blue dragon would have enough for a Hide Armour for a medium creature or the equivalent of a breastplate for a small one. To get a full plate out of a dragon, you'd have to find a Huge or Gargantuan beast.
Considering BG's lack of an actual crafting mechanic (Cromwell/Cespenar don't really count) and lack of size determining, they just defaulted it to Armour X for Dragon Scale X
Thanks, that's interesting. But would it also be correct then that Thieves, for example, cannot use a chain armor made from dragon scale? Because they can use elven chain... I'm sure there's rules for this, probably connected to the weight of such an armor, etc. and it would be nice to find out, because the implementation in BG2 just doesn't "feel" right.
Ahh innuendo.. What would I do without you
Dirty jokes aside.. if you remove the druid profficiency with everything metal, you kinda nerf them to the ground. So you would either have to implement a lot of "druid" armor to compensate, or just leave them as a class no one would play.
I ofc, would still bring Jaheira with me, because her staff handling skills usualy take the focus from the other romance options
This is the explanation given as to why thieves can use elven chain, and why thieves/mages can wear them and still cast spells.
As for dragon scale armor, if you make a heavy armor of it, it is bound to hinder movement, and can therefore not be equiped by thieves.
Light armour would be leather or hide armour, using the soft bendable parts (or not fully grown scales of a younger dragon) as protection. Scale Mail and later Plate Mail would use the scales as protection with a normal iron chainmail under it.
So thieves could use the Light Armour version, yes. Heavy Armour is still too heavy.
Naa, In that situation id much rather trust Jaheira with her hands on a mighty staff! That outcome would have a much higher treasure rate!
There is no basis for that kind of restriction in 2nd Edition, though -- especially if you allow normal scimitars, sickles and daggers. There's absolutely no reason to enforce such a restriction in Baldur's Gate.
Also, you cannot have a dart -- of the kind seen in Baldur's Gate, which are similar to the darts board game -- without a weighted tip; it wouldn't have any heft and would be impossible to throw.
@Drugar You're right. They should all be scale mail, banded mail or Plate mail (going by how large those scales are and how old the dragon was). The only way I could see leather coming out of that is if they used the wings, but that would be more like hide armor, because a dragon's wings are relatively fragile. I suppose there could be some magical way of strengthening the hide there to be as protective as chainmail, but that would take magic, not leather tanning skills. So, Dragon Scale armor- weight as scale, protection as some other sort of armor depending on how old the Dragon the mail came from was. Protects as a Ring of Protection from (Dragon's Breath weapon- Fire, Lightning, and so on- and that's just as a base.
But look at it like this. The fact that the anomen - female player char romance is like that, is just yet another proff of this being a fantasy game.. because we all know that in real world relationships.. the guy gets to feel pain.. and the woman gets to whine
And now I will go hide somewhere the pitchfork/torch wielding mob cant find me!
In short, if you take away that ability you'd need to boost something else. I'd suggest upping her constitution score to as much as 18. Not that I think the EE devs will actually make changes to her.